Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 2012 Q2.


Supported Web Browsers
  • Internet Explorer 9.0 and later
  • Firefox 8.0 and later 

New Features

  1. Created a Total D Trendline report which graphs D/Hour over a specified date range.
  2. Displaying of Total D Trendline report in the drop down list on the Cost/Performance screen can be enabled or disabled through System Configuration (the same property value as the Total D report).
  1. Added a function within ProTrack that will automatically restart jboss when “connection is closed” error shows up in the server.log. This function can be enabled/disabled on the Configuration > System screen. Also, the pathname of the restart batch file (this batch file should be on the application server) must be entered in the system configuration in order for this function to work properly.


Bug Fixes

  • (PTW-2112) Fixed the issue where an error message would appear when trying to make changes on the Configuration > System > Schedule Task screen.

  • No labels