Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 2012 Q2.

Subscribers are the people that can get email or SMS notifications. ProTrack Warehouse by default contains all employees that have emails in its subscriber list. Initially they are not considered active to receive emails so they will have to be activated by an administrator. Additionally, a subscriber can be added manually to the alert system and not have to be configured within ProTrack Warehouse. This is useful for testing purposes but these subscribers cannot acknowledge email alerts.

To create a new subscriber:

  1. Click on Subscribers under the Configuration menu. 

    Fig.1 Subscribers
  2. Click  and a popup window appears.

    Fig.2 Add New Subscriber
  3. Enter the First Name, Last Name, Email, and/or SMS ID.
  4. Select the check box if this subscriber will be required to acknowledge alerts.
  5. Click  and the subscriber will be created.

    Fig.3 Subscriber List

Deleting A Subscriber

To delete a subscriber:

  1. Select the check box to the left of the subscriber that will be deleted.

    Fig.4 Deleting Subscriber
  2. Click  to delete the subscriber.
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