Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 7.5.

The employees in the released employee pool can be assigned to a particular plan-segment in the 'Employees' tab.
To assign the employees who are in the 'Released Employees' section in 'Employees' tab:

  1. Access the Labor Planning screen (Refer Accessing the Labor Planning Screen).
  2. Select a facility for planning labor (Refer Choose Facility).
  3. Click Employees tab. Select the employees who have to be assigned from the 'Released Employees' section by selecting the corresponding Select check box of Individual employees.

Labor Planning - Select Released Employees

  • To select all the released employees, select the Select check box in the 'Released Employees' section.
  1. Click on the Labor Planning screen, the Assign Details screen appears.
  2. Select the criteria from the Activity or Zone or Microzone list to search for the plan-segments to assign to the released employees.

Labor Planning - Assign Details

  1. Click Submit in Assign Details screen. The 'Search Results' section of the Assign Details screen is listed with all the plan segments for the selected criteria.
  2. Click the required plan-segment to which the released employee must be assigned.

Labor Planning – Search Results in Assign Details

  1. Click Assign in the Assign Details screen. The selected released employees are moved from the 'Released Employees' section and listed against the selected plan-segment in 'Assigned Employees' section in 'Employees' tab of the Labor Planning screen.

Labor Planning - Released to Assigned Employees

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