Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 7.5.

Segments that are configured in Labor Planning Configuration Setup screen are planned in the 'Plan Recap' section in 'Plan Info' tab of Labor Planning screen.
The segments can be planned in plan recap only if a plan exists - that is, a plan type must already be selected and saved in the system. (Refer Select Plan Period and Resources).
To set the segments that are to be planned:

  1. Select the required plan type (Refer Select Plan Period and Resources).
  2. Click the Plan Recap tab. The first Activity Group and its corresponding Planning level are displayed in the 'Plan Recap' tab from the system.
  3. Select the check box of the corresponding segment under the "Segment Settings" section in "Plan Recap" tab to plan for the segment.
  4. Type the Priority; update the Start Time, End Time and Multiplier for the selected plan segments.

Labor Planning - Plan Recap with Selected Segments

  1. Click Save to save the plan segments in the system.
  2. Click Optimize to run the labor planning optimize process.
  3. Click Plan Progress tab (Refer Choose Facility) to view the progress of work.

Field Description



Planned From date

Select the 'From' date for planned data. Data from all days going forward from the selected "From" date until the "To" date, must be considered for calculating standard work.

Planned To date

Select the 'To' date for planned data. Data from all days going back in time from the "To" date until the "From" date must be considered for calculating standard work.

Historical Date

Select the date for calculating the standard time for the historical data stored in ProTrack. The system calculates the standard time for the specific date chosen.


Type the multiplier, which is applied on the historical standard minutes to arrive at the new estimated standard minutes.


Type the priority to specify which plan segments takes priority while processing.

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