Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 7.5.

Plan resource employees are searched for by providing the search criteria in the Search Employee screen.
The search criteria are:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Department

To search for particular employee:

  1. Select the required plan type (Refer Select Plan Period and Resources).
  2. Click Search link in the 'Plan Resource' section in 'Plan Info' tab, the Search Employee screen appears.
  3. Type or select at least one of the criteria mentioned above that is First Name, Last Name or Department.
  • To list the employees with First Name or Last Name starting with a particular character, type the character in the First Name or Last Name field.

Labor Planning - Search Employee

  1. Click Search in the Search Employee screen. The records for the selected criteria are listed in the 'Plan Resource' section in 'Plan Info' tab of the Labor Planning screen.

  • If no search criteria are specified all the employees are listed in the 'Plan Resource' section.

  • No labels