Supported Web Browsers
- Internet Explorer 9.0 and later
- Firefox 10.0 and later
Updates to Existing Functionality
Daily Inquiry
- The following fields in the Daily Inquiry header area have been reduced to two decimal points. This change was made so the Daily Inquiry screen was consistent with reports that contain similar information:
- Total Hours
- Time on Standard
- Adjusted Std. Time Earned
- Std Time
- Delay Time
- Indirect Time
- Paid Break
- Unpaid Break
Splitting and Shrinking
- Modified the logic for splitting and shrinking of breaks to accommodate assignments being imported in multiple files and out of chronological order.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the application would throw a Java Assist exception at the time of data processing
- Fixed a display issue where the Incentive Report wasn’t showing all activities
- Fixed a display issue where the end time was incorrect when modifying an adjustment on the Daily Inquiry screen
- Fixed an issue with standard calc when assignments come out of sequence through import, affected assignments are recalculated for finding the previous known location and adjustments weren’t being reapplied