Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 2015.1.

This screen allows you to view any existing assignments within the database whether they were created from the kiosk, KVI entry, or imported from the WMS. It will list detailed information pertaining to the assignment such as employees that worked the assignment, time stamps, and standard times. You also have the ability to add any delays for multiple people at once instead of searching for each individual's DI.

If Manufacturing is enabled in the license key, the Assignments Inquiry has additional search functions:

  1. Search for a Work Order ID and all the associated activities will be displayed under Assignment Details. 
  2. Search for an assignment ID and if it belongs in a Work Order, then all the other associated activities will be displayed as well under Assignment Details. 
  3. Search for a standalone/split assignment that does not belong to a Work Order. 

No matter which search option is selected, the user has the ability to add adjustments to assignment(s) and delete any adjustments that may have been created accidentally.

Accessing Assignments Inquiry

  1. Log into ProTrack Warehouse.

  2. Select Assignments Inquiry from the Operations drop down menu.

View Existing Standalone/Split Assignments

  1. Select the Assignment radio button.
  2. Enter the Assignment ID and click Submit.

  3. The assignment details will be displayed on the screen.

View An Existing Work Order

  1. Select the Work Order radio button.
  2. Enter either the Work Order ID or the Assignment ID in a the appropriate fields.
  3. Click Submit


    • The assignment ID displaying in the light blue color is the Parent assignment. This signifies that there were multiple employees working the same assignment or the same employee holding/resuming the assignment multiple times.

Adding Adjustments

Adjustments such as breaks, lunches, delays and indirects can be added to assignments via Assignments Inquiry screen.

  1. Search for the Work Order or Assignment and click Submit.
  2. Select the check box to the left of each assignment in which an adjustment will be made.

  3. Click Add and a popup screen will appear.

  4. Select the adjustment that will be tied to each selected assignment.
  5. Enter the duration of the adjustment and click Create
  6. The adjustments will be added to each selected assignment. Each adjustment will receive the same duration entered in the popup.

    Fig.7 Assignments Inquiry - Adjustments Added

Deleting Adjustments

  1. Enter the standalone or split assignment ID and click .
  2. Select the check box to the left of each adjustment assignment that will be deleted.

    Fig.8 Assignments Inquiry - Deleting Adjustments

  3. Click  and a popup will appear asking to confirm the selected assignments will be deleted. Click .
  4. Screen will refresh and the adjustments will no longer be displayed.