Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 2015.1.
Incentive in ProTrack Warehouse is a powerful tool used to identify individual employees who are eligible for performance-based incentive pay. Incentive pay is configured by setting up an 'Incentive Plan' and assigning employees to the plan. Once an Incentive Plan is configured and effective, employees will be automatically evaluated as to whether or not they are eligible to receive incentive pay. Refer to Incentive for the approval / disapproval of individual employees on a plan.
Incentive plans can be configured to evaluate based off of a set of activities or using Home vs Non-Home activities. This allows a variety of payout scales to be configured where each employee's incentive pay will be based on the worked activity and performance for a specified review period.
- Each activity can be assigned to multiple plans. To prevent multiple payouts of the same activity be mindful that an employee is not assigned to two incentive plans that share activities.
- Each employee can be assigned to multiple incentive plans.
- Plans using Home vs Non-Home activities:
- Home activities must be configured in the Employee screen.
- Once an employee has been evaluated on a Home activity and that same activity is listed as a Non-Home activity in the plan, the employee will not get evaluated again for incentive.
How Incentive is calculated:
The incentive pay is split into two pay buckets, "Regular Incentive Pay" and "Overtime Incentive Pay." Regular incentive pay includes all incentive pay, paid at the employee's standard pay rate, even for hours which are considered overtime hours. Overtime incentive pay is just the additional incentive pay, for the overtime hours, on top of the base rate the employee was paid for those hours. Both the regular and the overtime incentive pay are calculated from the regular and overtime base pay.
Incentive Plan without the Cap enabled (or employee performance does not surpass the highest payout bracket).
Incentive Plan with the Cap enabled (and employee performance surpasses the highest payout bracket).
- OT Hours are based on paid hours. This includes actual hours of standard and indirect activities. (OT Hours = Total Paid Hours - 40)
- OT Factor is obtained from the Configurations > System screen. The Property Name OT_ADJ_FACTOR will display the value.
- Accrual % is the accrual % of an employee's base pay rate configured in the payout scale of the incentive plan.
- Actual and Standard Hours are summations of the selected activities configured within the incentive plan. For example, an incentive plan contains the two activities Picking Grocery and Picking Dairy. The plan will sum up the hours between the two activities when calculating incentive.
To access the Maintain Incentive Plan screen:
- Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
Select Incentive Config under the Configuration menu. The Maintain Incentive Plan screen appears.
Fig.1 Maintain Incentive PlanTab
Incentive Plan
Displays the information defined for an incentive plan.
Displays the criterion that is defined for the incentive plan for performance.
Payout Scale Displays the performance payout brackets along with the associated accruals which will determine how much incentive pay the employee will receive. Payout Group
Displays the payout group of the incentive plan. This is a list of all employees assigned to the incentive plan, and thus eligible for incentive pay.
Table 1. Incentive Config Tab Descriptions
Configuring of Selected Activities or Home vs Non-Home Activities
- Select System under the Configuration menu.
- Search for the Property Name ALLOW_HOME_NONHOME.
- If the Property Value for this field is set to 'N', then the Incentive Config will allow only selected activities.
- If the Property Value for this field is set to 'Y', then the Incentive Config will allow Home vs Non-Home activities.
- Select the check box to the left of ALLOW_HOME_NONHOME.
- Enter either 'Y' or 'N' for the Property Value.
and the changes will be saved.Info
- Property Value has a default value of 'N' for ALLOW_HOME_NONHOME, meaning incentive plans will not take into account Home activities.
Creating an Incentive Plan With Selected Activities
Follow these steps when the plan will look at a specified number of activities.
- This type of plan does not incorporate Home vs Non-Home activities.
- Type a unique Plan Name.
- Select the Facility ID from the drop down list.
- Select 'Monetary' as the Plan Type.
- Check 'Performance' as the Pay Criteria.
- Select the Review Period from the drop down list.
- Enter a value for minimum days of employment.
- Enter a value for Incentive Buffer Days.
- Select whether the plan will run in 0% or 100% baseline.
- Select the Start Date by clicking .
- Select 'Standard Hours' as the Incented Hours.
- Select 'Individual' as the Payout Group.
- Type a Rate, if necessary.
Select whether or not this plan will incent on employee's that are on learning curves. If so, select which Performance Level will be used when calculating each review period.
Fig.2 Maintain Incentive Plan - Adding Plan
Incentive Config Field DescriptionsField
Plan Name
A descriptive name of the incentive plan.
Facility ID Ties the plan to the selected facility. Plan Type
Indicates that the incentive pay is a monetary incentive.
Pay Criteria
Currently the only option is Performance based.
Review Period
This defines the period of time during which the Incentive Plan is evaluated, either Bi-Weekly (every two-weeks) or Weekly.
Min. Days of Employment
The minimum number days an employee is required to work in order to be eligible for incentive pay.
Incentive Buffer Days How many days after the incentive period is over before the calculation is run (this allows clerical work to be performed). Start Date
Start Date for the incentive plan. The day of week on which this date falls will always be the start day for that plan going forward. For example, a plan with a Review Period of Weekly and a Start Date of Sunday 6/19/2011 will have review periods that will always be Sunday-to-Sunday.
Incented Hours
Currently the only option is Standard Hours.
Payout Group
Payout will be considered on an individual employee basis.
Incentive plan pay rate (dollars per hour).
Incent on Learning Curve
Leave the box unchecked to consider an employee’s performance in ONLY activities in which they are NOT currently on a learning curve. Any activities that are receiving a learning curve adjustment will not be factored into the performance that triggers incentive. If the box is selected, the plan will consider ALL activities (regardless of whether or not the employee is currently on a learning curve for certain activities). When the box is selected, the 'Performance Level' option is enabled.
Performance Level
If the 'Incent on Learning Curve' box is enabled, select whether the adjusted performance (for activities on learning curves) or the baseline (non-adjusted) performance will be used in the payout calculation.
Table 2. Incentive Config Field Descriptions
- Click on the 'Criteria' tab and configure minimum threshold criteria for performance and quality.
For specifying particular activities in a plan, select the activities that will be included when the incentive plan runs and calculates employee performances.
Fig.3 Maintain Incentive Plan - Criteria
Performance Threshold Type the minimum threshold required for an employee to become eligible for incentive pay. Buy In The minimum number of hours the employee must work on-standard during the review period to be eligible for incentive pay. Quality Threshold Selecting the check box will enable the Quality threshold requirements when considering the employee for incentive pay. No. of Errors
Type the threshold for number of quality errors for the incentive plan. If this value is exceeded, the employee is not eligible for incentive pay. This value is a summed occurrence value across all quality types configured in ProTrack Warehouse.
Measured As
If quality occurrence value is not a good measure, quality records can be treated as percentages. Percentage is calculated using No. of Errors divided by Checked Quantity from the Quality record.
Quality Unit
Select the quality unit to consider for quality percent for performance and quality from the list.
Rolling Avg Over
Type the rolling period to calculate quality.
Table 3. Criteria Field Descriptions
- For Home vs Non-Home activities type of plan, set the minimum threshold requirements for Non-Home activities and select the activities to be considered as Non-Home in the top portion. Then set the minimum threshold requirements for Home activities in the bottom portion.
Fig.4 Maintain Incentive Plan - Home vs Non-Home Plan
- Click on the 'Payout Scale' tab and configure the scale for incentive pay.
- To add multiple payout scales, click 'Add New' and a popup window will appear.
Fig.5 Maintain Incentive Plan - Adding Multiple Payout Scales
Fig.6 Maintain Incentive Plan - Setting Multiple Payout Scales
Enter the Upper Limit of the payout scale and Percentage the employee will accrue.
Fig.7 Maintain Incentive Plan - Multiple Payout Scales
Fig.8 Maintain Incentive Plan - Home vs Non-Home Payout ScaleWarning
- The upper limit of the previous payout bracket must match that of the lower limit of the next payout bracket.
Click the 'Payout Group' tab to add individual employees to the incentive plan.
Fig.9 Maintain Incentive Plan - Payout Group- Click on 'Select Individual' and a popup window will appear.
Fig.10 Maintain Incentive Plan - Selecting Employees
Search and select employee(s) from the list. To select multiple employees, select the check box to the left of each employee's name.
Fig.11 Maintain Incentive Plan - Selecting Multiple EmployeesClick
to accept the selected employees.
Fig.12 Maintain Incentive Plan - Selected EmployeesClick
to save the incentive plan.Info
- An employee as well as activities can be added to multiple incentive plans; the user must be cautious when creating incentive plans to prevent multiple payouts for the same activity. For example, the activity Picking Dry has been added to the Day Shift Incentive Plan and Night Shift Incentive plan. Employee 1 can be assigned to either the Day Shift or Night Shift incentive plans but not both. If employee 1 somehow gets added to both plans, it is possible that they will receive multiple payouts for the Picking Dry activity.
- Employees can be removed from the incentive plan by selecting the corresponding delete check boxes and clicking .
Searching Incentive Plans
To search for particular incentive plans:
in the Maintain Incentive Plan screen and the Search Incentive screen appears.
Fig.13 Maintain Incentive Plan - Searching Incentive PlansTo search for a particular incentive plan; type the Plan Name, select the Plan Type from the drop down list, select the Start Date by clicking
, or select the Payout Group from the drop down list.
- To list Incentive Plans with names starting with a particular character, enter the character into the field. For example, to search incentive plans starting with the character 'C', enter 'C' in the Plan Name to list incentive plans with names starting with C.
- If no search criteria are specified all the incentive plans will be listed in the 'Incentive Search Results' section.
- Click
Fig.14 Maintain Incentive Plan - Search Results in the Search Incentive screen. The records for the selected criteria are listed in the ‘Incentive Search Results’ section.
Viewing & Editing Incentive Plans
To view and edit an incentive plan:
- Search and list the incentive plans you want to view or edit in the 'Incentive Search Results' section.
Click the Plan Name link from the ‘Incentive Search Results’ section. The details of the incentive plan appear in the corresponding fields in the Maintain Incentive Plan screen.
- The fields Plan Name, Plan Type and Payout Group on the 'Incentive Plan' screen cannot be edited.
- Change the required fields.
to save the changes.
- If you have made the changes in the fields and do not want to save the details, click before you save the changes.
- If you want to add a tasking group at this point, click to clear the fields and to bring the screen to the add mode.
Deleting Incentive Plans
To delete the incentive plans:
- Search and list the incentive plans you want to delete in the 'Incentive Search Results' section.
- Select the check box to the left of each incentive plan.
- An incentive plan cannot be deleted if employees are assigned to the incentive plan. In this case, delete the employees from the Payout Group tab and then delete the plan.