Documentation for ProTrackWarehouse 2017.1.

The Daily Inquiry (often referred to as DI) in ProTrack Warehouse is a valuable tool for performing validation of work performed, educating employees on engineered standards, ensuring delays are credited to the proper function, and to check employees for performance issues.

The Daily Inquiry screen helps you to see the current performance of an employee. In addition to providing visibility of an employee's workday, this screen provides several additional features for approving, reshuffling, changing, adding or deleting work from the employee's past or present workday.

Accessing the Daily Inquiry

  1. Log into ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select Daily Inquiry from the Operations drop down menu.





Total Hours

Total time the employee worked that day, from SOD to EOD.


Time on Standard

Total time the employee spent on standard direct activities.


Adjusted Std. Time Earned

Total time the employee should spend on standard direct activities with learning curve applied.


Std Time

Total time the employee should spend on standard direct activities.


Delay Time

Total time the employee spent on delays.


Indirect Time

Total time the employee spent on indirect activities.


Paid Break

Total time the employee spent on paid break(s).


Unpaid Break

Total time the employee spent on an unpaid break.



Total time in standard direct activities that are currently in KVI or HLD status.


Adjusted Performance

The comparison of the adjusted standard direct time (which includes learning curve, if applicable) allowed on a specific task to the actual time used for that same task.

Baseline Performance

The comparison of the Standard Time allowed on a specific task or operation to the Actual Time used for that same task or operation.


The comparison of Actual Time on Standard against Indirect time.


The comparison of Delays encountered against Total Time.

The following table represents the various statuses an assignment could be on the Daily Inquiry.


Expansion and Description

APRWaiting for Approval A delay that is waiting to be approved before it can be applied to the employee's day.


Addition – An assignment pending reshuffle.


Calculating – Standard calculation for an assignment is currently processing.


Completed – An assignment that was completed by an employee and has been fully processed.

DISDisapproved – A delay that has been disapproved by management team.


Error – An assignment that was completed by an employee but could not be slotted into the work schedule.


Group – Multiple pre-downloaded assignments worked simultaneously. ProTrack Warehouse groups them together as a single work assignment.


Hold – Assignment is placed on hold.


Key Volume Indicator – An assignment waiting for KVI values to be entered. Example of KVI is number of pallets or number of cases.



Searching for Employees

To view an employee's details in the Daily Inquiry screen, the employees can be searched for by providing the following search criteria in the Search Daily Inquiry screen:

  • Schedule Date – Past date or current date
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Facility Name

To search for an employee:

  1. Click Search and a popup appears.

  2. Select the date.

  3. Type or select search criteria.


    • To list the employees with First Name or Last Name starting with a particular character, type the character and the employees starting with the given character are displayed in the 'Search Results' list.
  4. Click Search and the records matching the selected criteria are listed in the "Search Results" section of the Search Daily Inquiry.

  5. You can also sort your search results in ascending or descending order by selecting any of the column header links.
  6. Click the selected employee ID link. The weekly view, schedule, and assignment details of employee will be displayed.


    • At the top of the screen resides a graphical view of the employee's weekly schedule. The current day being viewed is always in the center, with 2 days prior on the left, and 2 days following on the right.

    The yellow and dark blue bars illustrate the employee's schedules on each day. The yellow bar represents the schedule the employee was assigned to work. The blue bar represents the actual schedules the employee worked. Only days containing actual work schedules will have a blue bar. In the screenshot above, you can see that the employee was assigned to a schedule all 5 days (Wednesday through Sunday), but only worked on Wednesday and Friday.

    Also contained within the bars are the Schedule start and end times:

    The date currently being viewed has a hyperlink. Clicking on the blue box with the white hyperlink enables you to edit the Schedule's start and end times manually.


Running a Trip Audit Report

Trip Audit provides a detailed report of the selected assignment(s) which displays the determinants that were triggered and travel from location to location, if travel is enabled.

To view the Trip Audit Report of an assignment:

  1. Access the Daily Inquiry screen.
  2. Search and display the employee information in Daily Inquiry screen.
  3. Select the assignment(s) you want to generate report by selecting the Select check box of the assignment(s).

  4. Click Trip Audit to view the Report.
  5. Select which report type and click Submit.


    • Audit units displayed in the Trip Audit reference the field last mentioned in the Work Time Function located under Determinant.
  6. You can export the report by clicking  at the top left of the screen.
  7. Select the format output for the report from the popup menu.


    • There are various format output types:
      1. PDF
      2. Excel
      3. Word
      4. Rich Text
      5. Comma Separated Values
  8. The report must be exported before it can be printed.  By clicking , the report will be exported to PDF.


    • You must have a printer driver installed locally on the the computer you are trying to print from.


Viewing Work Assignment Tasks

If there are two or more tasks within a work assignment, you can view them by clicking on the link of the work assignment number. 
To view the details of the tasks within an assignment:

  1. Access the Daily Inquiry screen.
  2. Search and display the employee information in Daily Inquiry screen.
  3. The assignment is provided with a hyperlink.

  4. When you click the Assignment ID link, the Task Details screen appears with the details of the task within the assignment.



    • This table displays the task lines of the selected assignment in the order in which the tasks occurred. The Non Adj Start Time and Non Adj End Time are the true start and end times that were sent from the WMS file.
  • No labels