Documentation for ProTrackWarehouse 2017.1.


Supported Web Browsers
  • Internet Explorer 9.0 and later
  • Firefox 10.0 and later








ProTrack Warehouse 2015.1.5



This release adds enhanced visibility for kiosk names and improved Spanish translations.

Updated Functionality

Kiosk Name Visibility

  • The font size of the kiosk name has been increased on the kiosk screen to improve readability for users signing in.

Spanish Translations

  • Translations for Spanish are now available for the:
    • Login Screen
    • Menus
    • Control Screen
    • Warehouse Kiosk
    • Production Kiosk

Other Fixes/Updates

  • Fixed the incentive engine to prevent it from picking up an extra day beyond the end of the review period.
  • Fixed an issue where facility and department level users were unable to see report profiles created by their employees.
  • Fixed an issue importing delays that caused the delay to have a duration of 0 when the supervisor approval is enabled for the delay activity.
  • Fixed an issue where changes made by users updating delays via the user interface were having their updates removed by the system while using the system configuration to automatically shrink delays.
  • Improved the performance of loading the report profile screen for facility data level access users.
  • Improved the performance of the Ad Hoc report.
  • Fixed the calculation of total pallets, total units, total components, total totes, total kits, and total cases on the Ad Hoc report for non-manufacturing installs.
  • Increased the internal storage for determinant formulas so that the system does not report an 'Incorrect syntax' error for long formulas.
  • Fixed an issue where some manufacturing fields were being shown in systems that were not licensed for manufacturing.
  • Fixed an issue where group delays would error when their start time exactly matched the start time of the assignment they were being embedded in even though they would fit within that outer assignment.
  • Fixed the wording on the Maintain Discipline Plan screen related to the creation of observations to reduce user confusion.
  • Fixed the procedure for moving cached data from one server to another to allow the procedure to be run on the source or destination server.
  • Fixed the total time calculation on the daily inquiry screen to not include indirect time in the KVI/Hold sum in the header for indirect assignments in KVI status. The time was being counted twice causing the total time to be miscalculated.
  • Fixed the import of parent and child assignments so that the numbering of the child assignments is correct when imported in two or more files.
  • Fixed an issue with loading the transfer popup from the daily inquiry screen.
  • Fixed the wildcard search on the control screen for employee first and last names.

ProTrack Warehouse 2015.1.4



Patch Release

Other Fixes/Updates

  • Fixed the WMS monitor screen to handle a blank category ID field in an import during reprocessing.
  • Fixed the Report Profile screen to refresh after a profile has been shared so the user knows it was successful.
  • Fixed the Maintain Schedule screen to only show schedules based on the logged in user's data access and home facility.
  • Fixed adding a reason code in the Incentive Operations and Discipline Operations screens.
  • Fixed an issue importing parent and child assignments that reported 'Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns.' in the WMS Import Data screen.

ProTrack Warehouse 2015.1.3



Minor enhancements and fixes.


Labor Plan Printing Capability

  • The labor plan grid now supports better filtering, column selection, and sizing.

  • The grid can be exported to Excel or to a PDF for printing.

Other Updates/Fixes

  • Updated the look and feel of the login screen.
  • Fixed an issue with breaks and lunches that are edited via the user interface where the updates were being replaced by information supplied by time and attendance.
  • Limited the kiosk activity group filtering of direct and indirect activities on the employee screen to one type or the other.
  • Fixed the on change determinant type to prevent it from matching on the first task line when there is more than one determinant condition.
  • Fixed the daily inquiry so that when time on standard matches standard time earned, the baseline performance and adjusted performance will display 0% rather than N/A.

ProTrack Warehouse 2015.1.2



Patch Release

Other Fixes/Updates

  • Fixed the handling of database transactions for manual assignments in the event of an error.
  • Increased the size of the purge tasks expression in the database to 2000 characters.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple assignments would be started if they were on hold in the kiosk.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed split assignments to be placed into COM status with a parent assignment that is in deleted status. 


ProTrack Warehouse 2015.1.1



Patch release.

Other Fixes/Updates

  • Fixed an issue on the Kiosk that allowed users to select multiple options on the kiosk leading to users being active in multiple assignments at the same time. 

ProTrack Warehouse 2015.1.0



This release introduces a brand new feature, the Supervisor Workbench. The Supervisor Workbench is intended to be the primary area of ProTrack where Supervisors can view and execute daily tasks, dramatically reducing the time it takes them to assess and address issues. Each supervisor can have his or her own Workbench displaying important operational information. Information is displayed in widgets that are draggable, resizeable, and displayed in grid or graphical formats, making it easy to identify problems or view trends at a quick glance. Supervisors can view productivity information for associates who work in a supervisor's area or utilization statistics for a supervisor's direct reports. The Workbench also gives supervisors the ability to act on delay, discipline, and incentive approvals. The supervisor also gains visibility into alerts, assignment or import issues, labor planning progress, upcoming observations, as well as other relevant data. Widgets may also link to other areas of ProTrack (e.g. reports), drilling directly into the data a supervisor needs to analyze an issue or make a decision. The page is fully responsive making it accessible on a desktop, tablet, or phone.

The Advanced Performance Management (APM) module has been enhanced to include the ability to schedule recurring observations. The Scheduled Observation engine introduces another way for supervisors to interact with associates. Observations provide a way to inspect that Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are being followed, discover improvements in processes, and coach associates to increase their morale and productivity. With Scheduled Observations, a user can specify a number of observations that will be generated every given time period. Plans can be setup across the entire organization or by facilities, shifts, departments, or supervisors. Also within APM, the filters and grid on the Monitor screen have been enhanced to use more modern user interface technology.

The Warehouse and Production kiosks have been redesigned and enhanced with new features. The ability to associate a "category" to work started on the kiosk enhances the reporting capabilities for manual assignments. "Category" is a configurable term that could be used to track work performed against a division, customer, or any other attribute important to the organization. This functionality also works in ProTrack Manufacturing when starting assignments via the Control Screen. The kiosk has also been enhanced to include the ability to filter activities. Configured at the employee level, the combo box filter uses a default activity group for filtering either direct, indirect, or both. This transforms the Kiosk into a more efficient, user-friendly experience by decreasing the time it takes to find activities and start assignments.

New Features

Supervisor Workbench

The Supervisor Workbench gives supervisors and management a single-screen, customizable view of their key performance metrics, alerts and daily reports for their specific activities and their direct reports.

Workbench, they drill down to detailed screens and reports on their department or facility, so they can make informed decisions faster─ dramatically reducing the time it takes to review and complete daily tasks and activities.

Work to Do Widgets – Assist supervisor to focus on critical action items

    • Observations – Count of pending/scheduled Observations
    • Incentive – Count of pending Incentive approvals
    • Discipline – Count of pending Discipline approvals
    • Delays – Count of pending Delay Approvals
    • WMS Import – Count of unresolved Import errors
    • Assignment Errors – Count of Unresolved Assignment Errors

Performance Widgets – Overview of supervisor’s team and/or activities

    • My Activities Analytics
      • Gauges showing activity productivity and Delay %
      • My Team Analytics
      • Gauges showing Productivity, Utilization, Total Performance, Delay% and Indirect %
      • Team Performance – Instant view of Supervisors employees to monitor performance throughout the day
      • Weekly Productivity by activity – Trend line showing team productivity for current/selected week
      • Weekly Utilization by employee – Trend line showing team/individual utilization for current/selected week

Action and Detail Widgets

    • Observations – Listing of Observations with ability to link to Observation
    • Incentive Approvals – List of Incentives with ability to approve
    • Discipline Approvals – List of Discipline approvals with ability to approve
    • Delay Approvals – List of delay approvals with ability to approve
    • Assignment Errors – List of assignment errors with ability to link to DI

Informational Widgets

    • Supervisor Info
    • Cost Analysis – Graph showing cost for team activities for selected period
    • Volumetrics – Summary listing of KVI for selected period
    • Retention – Historical employee retention

Scheduled Observations

  • Added the ability to automatically create observations on a recurring basis
  • The Scheduled Observations screen is a grid displaying the different plans that run via background processes to create observations
    • These background processes run at the end of a period to automatically generate the observations
  • Through the Scheduled Observations wizard, a user can create a plan by entering the following information:
    • Name
    • Start Date
    • Period length (radio buttons)
      • Variable End Date Plan
      • Defined period (e.g. number of weeks)
    • Observations per period
    • Due date relative to the end or beginning of the period
    • Multi-select filters:
      • Facility filter
      • Department filter
      • Shift filter
      • Supervisor filter
    • Ability to test the setup and see the plan results before saving (via pop up window):
      • Associate name
      • Number of observations
      • Due Date
  • Observations are created with a default activity
    • On the Monitor screen, users/supervisors can choose the activity to observe at the time the observation is performed


Variable Date Plans

  • Add the ability to specify variable period end dates for a set of years
    • Specify a variable plan name
    • Select the end dates from a yearly calendar view
  • Variable date plans can be configured in Discipline Configuration or Scheduled Observations


"Category" Feature

  • "Category" can be used to add an additional attribute to assignments
  • "Category" label can be renamed to whatever is appropriate (e.g. Division)
  • Integrated with the Control Screen and Kiosk
    • Any activities requiring a "Category" will prompt to specify it via a dropdown
  • Values are added via the Lists configuration screen
  • Values can be modified via the KVI entry screen
  • Can be added on import.
  • Integrated into the Standard calculation engine and can be used in the creation of standards.

My Profile Screen

  • Users can access a new profile screen to manage their photo and change their password.

Updates to Existing Functionality

Activity Configuration

  • The "Supervisor Approval Code" check-box will now default to checked
  • Added a flag to enable the "Category ID" functionality for an activity

Advanced Performance Management

  • The Monitor grid has been updated to use the latest technology
  • Added the ability to edit Observations
    • Can only edit if in Available status
  • Moved the delete functionality to each row of the grid
  • Added a grid in the create/edit observation pop up
    • Uses associate selection and date range to provide activity performance data
    • Can be used by supervisors to better identify which activities need observations

Control Screen

  • Added the ability to add a "Category ID" when starting an assignment

Daily Inquiry

  • Require supervisor approval of delays added via the Daily Inquiry
    • Assign a role based permission for showing delays in the Add button pop up from the Daily Inquiry
      1. Search results for Activity ID should or should not show delay activities
      2. Activity Type drop-down should or should not show "Delay" as a choice
    • If logged in user is a supervisor:
      1. Do not require approval if adding delays to an associate who worked in the supervisor's activities
      2. Require approval if adding delays to an associate who worked in the supervisor's activities

Discipline Configuration

  • Moved the toggle for allowing observations from system configuration to the discipline configuration screen
  • Added option to have observations created without approving disciplines
  • Added the ability to set the due date for discipline based observations
    • Relative to start or end of period

Employee Configuration

  • Profile photo
  • Supervisors can now be assigned to one or more activities that they manage
  • Supervisors can now be assigned a shift
    • For the Workbench to associate the correct data from a supervisor's activities, the supervisor needs to be associated to a shift
  • Added configuration to filter direct, indirect, or both by activity group on the kiosk
    • If filtering either or both, a default activity group should be specified



  • Added the ability to add a profile photo for each associate
  • Added kiosk filter configurations
    • Direct filter
    • Indirect filter
    • Default activity group 

WMS Import

  • Imported delays can now be flagged for approval/disapproval.


  • Redesigned the kiosk for an updated look and feel.
  • Added associate photo.
  • Updated performance and standard dials
  • Added an adjusted performance dial
  • Integrated new "Category ID" functionality
  • Added the ability to filter both direct and indirect activities by activity groups

KVI Entry

  • Added the ability to modify the "Category ID" on an assignment

Learning Curves

  • Learning curves will now continue past the end date of the plan if the user has not fully completed all of the steps

Lists Configuration

  • Added the ability to add "Category ID" information


Ad Hoc

  • Added new "Category ID" functionality as a group by

Security Configuration

  • Modified the entries for the kiosks in the security screen to be more specific:
    • Warehouse -> Warehouse Kiosk
    • Production -> Production Kiosk

Standard Calculation Engine

  • Added the ability to allow standard calculations on the new "Category ID" field.

Other Fixes/Updates

  • Fixed the issue of hibernate transactions not properly releasing causing connection issues with the database.
  • Added a responsive menu that adjusts to screen size.
  • Added a UOM configuration screen.
  • Included the payroll ID on incentive reports.
  • Fixed a security issues with unauthorized users being able to access the dashboard.
  • Fixed an issue with TA time codes not appropriately being applied to schedules.
  • Fixed assignments so that when the last child assignment is deleted, the parent assignment is set to DEL status instead of COM status.
  • Fixed an issue where employees that do not have security access to view pay rates are unable to update the schedules of other employees.
  • Fixed the sort order of chart timelines for widgets on the dashboard.
  • Fixed the detailed Total D report.
  • Fixed an issue causing problems running trip audits via the Daily Inquiry screen.
  • Increased the parameter size that can be passed to the Ad Hoc report.
  • Fixed the control screen to apply indirect activities only to selected employees rather than all employees.
  • Fixed an issue experienced while adding schedules on the shift screen.
  • Fixed an issue on the control screen where an assignment would be restarted even though the user chose to cancel reopening the assignment when prompted.
  • Fixed an issue on the Trip Audit by Completed Assignments Summary when filtering by employee.


  • No labels