Documentation for ProTrackWarehouse 2019.1.

Adding Filters Manually

Widgets, unless otherwise configured, will show all data from the beginning of time.  These can be configured on an individual level, but if a dashboard contains several widgets, it is more useful and efficient to use a filter that affects the entire Dashboard.

The built-in Dashboards already have filters created that can be used.  Dashboards that are created will need to have their own filters configured.

To do this, click "Filter Your Dashboard" on the right.

  • If filters already exist on the dashboard, clicking the + button will allow you to add more filters.

You can filter by most data points from this menu. In this case, we would like to only see data from 2020 and 2021.  So, we will search Date and select Date from the list.

The filter will then ask you to select what dimension and data you would like to use.  In this case, we will leave the data in Years, and only select 2020 and 2021.  Click OK, and the filter will be applied to the data.

Now that a filter has been applied, the dates can be selected and unselected from the right menu, and the data will update in real time.  Clicking 2019 will add this date to the range, and update the graph.

Filters can further be added to show data from specific facilities, specific supervisors, or any other data point that may need to be filtered upon.

Creating Filters by "Drilling Down"

If you have multiple widgets on your dashboard, you can create a filter on the entire dashboard by drilling down into a specific filter.

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