Documentation for ProTrackWarehouse 2019.1.

The Observation module provides a centralized location where management can look to determine which employees need guidance and counseling due to low performance, quality errors, or discipline. This module can also be used to do annual, monthly, weekly observations to ensure that employees are compliant with the SOP.

Multiple activities can be tied directly to an observation form which consists of five categories: Process, Safety, Quality, Delay, and Associate observations. Within each category, you can create questions that pertain to the activity and SOP. In turn, these questions will be answered during the observation.

On the Monitor screen lists all the observation assignments that need to be performed due to various reasons (i.e. low productivity). Observation assignments can be created in the following ways:

  • Manually, using the UI (user interface)
  • Running a discipline plan
  • Scheduled plan 

Accessing Observations

  1. Log into ProTrack Warehouse using your account.
  2. Select Observation under the Operations drop down menu. 

    1. If you do not see this option:

      • Verify that the module is enabled in the license.

      • Speak to system administrator to gain access to the module.


  • In the search section: 
    • Facility will automatically default to the user's assigned facility.
    • Obs From and Obs To will look at the observation start time of forms that are In Progress or Completed status.
  • By default, all observations assigned to the user's facility will be listed on this screen.

Manually Creating an Observation Assignment

This process allows you to add an observation assignment quickly into ProTrack

To manually create an observation assignment:

  1. Click the +Add button and a popup window appears.

  2. Fill in all the required fields (marked with *).


    • The Observation Form field will automatically populate based on which form has been assigned to the selected activity.

  3. Click Save and a new record will populate at the end of the observation assignments list.

Discipline Plan Created Observation Assignments

Observations can link to an active discipline plan within ProTrack to automatically generate observation assignments. When the discipline plan runs, observation assignments will be created. Each employee eligible for discipline will generate an observation assignment and the activity for the observation will be based on the activity the employee was disciplined for. 

To enable discipline created observation assignments:

  1. Search for the discipline plan from the Accountability Config screen.
  2. On the Discipline Plan tab, check the box to the left of Allow Observation on discipline.
  3. Check the box underneath to allow creation of observations without having to approve discipline first.
  4. Enter a number for due days and select an option from the drop down list.


Scheduled Observation Assignments

The Observation module allows you to create a plan which will automatically create observation assignments on a recurring basis. You can define how long and how many observations to be created per review period. Alternatively, you can select which days from a calendar to generate the observations. Once the plan has been configured, you have the ability to run a test and see the output before committing to the plan.

You can access this feature by selecting Scheduled Observations from the Configuration drop down menu.

To create a defined schedule plan:

  1. Click the +Add button and a popup window appears.
  2. Enter the plan name.
  3. Select Defined Period button for the period length option.
  4. Enter the period length of the plan (in days, weeks, or months).
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter the start date of the plan.
  7. Enter how many observations/period.
  8. Enter the due date of the observations.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Enter any filters for the plan.
  11. Click Test to see the output before committing to the plan.
  12. Click Finish to finalize the plan and generate the observations.

To create a variable date schedule plan:

  1. Click the +Add button and a popup window appears.
  2. Enter the plan name.
  3. Select Variable Date Period button for the period length option.
  4. Select a variable date plan from the drop down list.
    1. Click + to create a new variable date plan.
    2. Enter a variable date plan.
    3. Select the days which will mark the end of each review period.
    4. Click Save.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter the start date of the plan.
  7. Enter how many observations/period.
  8. Enter the due date of the observations.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Enter any filters for the plan.
  11. Click Test to see the output before committing to the plan.
  12. Click Finish to finalize the plan and generate the observations.

    • Any variable date plan created from Observation can also be used in discipline for review periods.
Defined Schedule Plan

Variable Date Schedule Plan

To edit a scheduled plan:

  1. Click  from the row of the scheduled plan that will be updated and a popup window appears.
  2. Make any necessary changes.
  3. Click Finish.

To delete a scheduled plan:

  1. Click  from the row of the scheduled plan.
  2. The plan will be deleted and removed from the list.