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Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 7.6.
“Manual Standards” is a term used to describe activities whose assignments are created manually via the KVI Entry screen. A user first selects an Activity for the assignment, optionally enters a specific assignment ID, and optionally specifies a zone and/or microzone. Then the user creates one or more task lines for the assignment. A manual assignment can be created ahead of time using the KVI Entry screen, or at the time it’s being worked using the Kiosk screen.
Configuration of manual standards is essentially the same as any WMS-sourced standard. Configure the Activity, Determinants, Standard, and Selector for each manual standard.
In addition, manual standard activities must be configured with KVI Descriptions. KVI Descriptions are used to provide the user with a description of each of the fields for which they must enter values for. For example, suppose a standard had a determinant called “Load Pallets”, which had a worktime function of: 1.2 * “User Defined Numeric 2”. A KVI Description must be configured for that activity and field UDN2 with a description of “Enter # of Pallets”.
To access the KVI Description screen:
Fig.264 KVI Description
To add a new KVI Description:
Fig.265 KVI Description - Add
To view and edit the KVI Descriptions:
Fig.266 KVI Description - Edit KVI
Fig.267 KVI Description - Edit KVI