[!ProTrack Warehouse Wiki^homepage-button_GRN_V3.png!]
Click on the Scheduled Task sub-tab.
Fig.1 System Configuration
Select all of the check boxes.
Fig.2 System Configuration - Disable System
ONLY IF RUNNING MOVE_LOCATIONDATA_SP: Delete all XYZ data in the destination database by opening a new query (pointed at the destination database) and run the following statements, one-by-one from top to bottom:
Code Block |
Delete from level Delete from location Delete from segment Delete from aisle_path_node Delete from travel_path_node Delete from node Delete from aisle_path Delete from travel_path Delete from TravelPathHistoryDetail Delete from TravelPathHistory Delete from NodeCache |
Run the following query:
Code Block |
exec dbo.Move_LocationData_sp @SourceDB = 'Insert Source DB Name Here', @DestDB = 'Insert Destination DB Name Here', @SourceServer = 'Insert Source Server Name or IP address Here', @DestServer = 'Insert Destination Server Name or IP address Here', @LinkedUserName = 'protrack', @LinkedUserPwd = 'protrack', @Debug = 0 |
Run the following query:
Code Block |
exec dbo.Move_Cache_sp 'Insert Source DB Name Here', 'Insert Destination DB Name Here', 'Insert Source Server Name or IP address Here', 'Insert Destination Server Name or IP address Here', 'INSERT' |
Delete all cache data in the destination database by opening a new query (pointed at the destination database) and run the following statements, one-by-one from top to bottom:
Code Block |
Delete from TravelPathHistoryDetail Delete from TravelPathHistory Delete from NodeCache |
Run the following query:
Code Block |
EXEC dbo.Move_Cache_sp 'Insert Source DB Name Here', 'Insert Destination DB Name Here', 'Insert Source Server Name or IP address Here', 'Insert Destination Server Name or IP address Here', 'INSERT' |