The Ad Hoc Reporting screen enables a user to create completely customizable reports on both performance and quality-related data. The user can specify which reporting metrics to include, in what order they appear, and can apply constraints to limit the data presented. The user also has full control over how data is grouped and totaled.
The Ad Hoc Reporting framework also reports on Utilization and Effectiveness a little differently than the reports in the Performance/Cost Reports tab. With an Ad Hoc report, you can accurately report on utilization and effectiveness at ALL grouping levels. This is accomplished by factoring in any and all adjustment assignments in parent groupings. In other words, running an ad-hoc report with groupings 1) Employee, 2) Activity will list activities with times in both the "time on standard" and "delay", "indirect", or "break/lunch" columns. This indicates that an employee was in a standard activity and had a delay, indirect, or break/lunch occur WITHIN that activity.
For example if an employee spends 1 hour in activity "Pick", but 10 minutes of that was actually spent in a delay, the ad-hoc report would display, for "Pick" :
Total Time: 60 mins
Time on Standard: 50 mins
Delay Time: 10 mins
Standard Time: 52 mins
Performance (for "Pick") = 52 / 50 = +4%
As a result of this, delays and indirects that are adjustments shall no longer be listed in their own activity grouping (as these times will be reported under the parent activities in which they occurred). As such, parent-level indirects will be grouped when grouping by "Activity", and child-level (adjustment) activities will be grouped when grouping by "AdjActivity".
The Ad Hoc screen contains three sub-tabs: Basic, Group, and Metrics.
Ad Hoc Reporting - Basic Screen