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The Dashboard provides the user the ability to see information at any level with full drill down capability from corporate, region, to facility levels. There are 4 default dashboards available: Performance, Analytics, Volumetrics, and Cost Savings. Each dashboard will provide the user a different view of information throughout the corporation.

  • Total Performance and Utilization will be displayed in 100% baseline.
  • Performance will be displayed in 0% baseline.
  • Data represented is defaulted to the last 3 months of information.
  • Each graph is referred to as a widget.

access dashboard
access dashboard
Accessing Dashboard

  1. Log into ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select Dashboard from the Reports drop down menu.


PerformanceDashboard geared towards displaying performance related items of the corporation (i.e. performance distribution, labor capacity, areas that have the most hours, etc).
AnalyticsDashboard geared towards displaying data tied to order and line counts.
VolumetricsDashboard geared towards displaying data tied to number of cases, pallets, weight, cube, etc counts.
Cost SavingsDashboard geared towards displaying how much money, in dollars, the corporation has saved or lost by implementing an LMS and other projects that will improve efficiency and throughput.


includePerformance.png,Analytics.png,Volumetrics.png,Cost Savings.png


dashboard levels
dashboard levels
Viewing Various Levels Of DataImage Removed

  1. Find the widget that you want to drill down into.
  2. Right click on the X-axis values.
  3. From the popup menu, select which level to view the data.

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    Menu OptionDescription
    Go DownLists the next lower level on the hierarchy of data capture (Region > Facility > Department > Supervisor > Tasking Group > Activity Group > Activity).
    Go UpLists the next upper level on the hierarchy of data capture (Activity > Activity Group > Tasking Group > Supervisor > Department > Facility > Region).
    Go ToJump directly to a level of data and all regions will be updated to display info at the newly selected level.
    Go to By ValueJump directly to a level of data but only the selected region will display info at the newly selected level. For example, right click on East region and Go to By Value Facility. Data will be displayed for only the facilities tied to the East region.


dashboard graph
dashboard graph
Selecting Different Chart TypesImage Removed

  1. Choose which widget will be modified and right click on the chart.
  2. From the popup menu, select which Chart Type will be used to display the data. 
  3. The chart will refresh and display the info based on the newly selected chart type.

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dashboard new
dashboard new
Creating A New Dashboard

You have the ability to create your own dashboard if you do not like the 4 dashboards that come out of the box from installation.

  1. Click on the plus symbol at the top.
  2. A blank dashboard will be created.


  3. Add the widgets that you want to see on your new dashboard.
  4. Once it has been configured, click the Save icon on the left side of the screen.


  5. On the popup screen, move up a directory by clicking on the up arrow.

  6. Click on Public Reports and then Dashboard.
  7. Enter the name of your new dashboard in the File Name field.

  8. Click Ok.


dashboard add widget
dashboard add widget
Adding A Widget

  1. Select the double arrows in the top left of the screen.
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  2. Open up the Public Components directory by clicking on the arrow to the left of it.
  3. Then open up the Dashboard directory by clicking on the arrow. This directory will list all the available widgets that are included with the dashboard.

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  4. Scroll through the list and find the widget you want to add to the dashboard.
  5. Click and drag that widget from the list into the dashboard area.
  6. If there is any data tied to that widget, the graph will populate with information.


dashboard remove widget
dashboard remove widget
Removing A Widget

  1. Find the widget that you want to remove from the dashboard.
  2. Hover your mouse in the top right corner of the widget. Two options will appear.
  3. Click on the left button for more options.
  4. Select Delete from the drop down list.



dashboard date
dashboard date
Changing Date Range & Filters On The Dashboard

By changing the date range and the filters on the dashboard, all the widgets within that dashboard will update to the selected values.

  1. Click on the parameter icon on the left side of the screen.

  2. Click on the calendar icon to the right of the From Date.
  3. You can select a specific date using the calendar or you can select a template to search for dates.

  4. Click Ok.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for the To Date.
  6. To apply filters, click the ellipsis icon (...) to the right of the filter.
  7. Uncheck the All option at the bottom of the popup.
  8. Highlight all the values you want to add as a filter and click the arrow pointing to the right.

  9. Click Ok.
  10. Then click Submit.
  11. All the widgets on the dashboard will update to the newly selected values.


dashboard widget date
dashboard widget date
Changing Date Range

Of The Widget

& Filters On A Widget

Alternatively, you can change the date range and filters on a single widget instead of the entire dashboard.

  1. Hover your mouse in the top right corner of the widget.
  2. Click on the left button for more options.

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  3. Select Edit Setting from the drop down list.
  4. Add any filters and change the dates as needed.

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  5. Click Ok.
  6. That widget will update based on the newly selected values.


dashboard defaults
dashboard defaults
Setting Dashboard As Defaults

You can specify which dashboard you would like to see as a default when you open up the dashboard.

  1. Select System from the Configuration drop down menu.
  2. Search for the property name Dashboard_1.
  3. Update the value from Performance to the name of your dashboard.
  4. Click on the check box to the left of the property name.
  5. Click Save.

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