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Report Name


Discipline Report

This report displays Displays employees who have been flagged for discipline along with their performance and/or quality thresholds, step levels, and reason code (if applicable).

Employee Summary by Assignment

This report displays a listing of all assignments worked by each employee over a selected date range.

Exception Report

This report displays Displays a listing of assignments that are not in 'COM' status, grouped by employee.

Incentive Report

This report displays Displays a list of employees eligible for incentive pay which is determined by the configured Incentive Plans.

Indirect Summary

This report displays Displays the time taken per day to perform each indirect activity in the input time period.

Missing Locations Summary

This report identifies Identifies any locations that have been imported but are not configured in ProTrack Warehouse over a date range.

Missing Locations Detail

This report identifies Identifies any locations that have been imported but are not configured in ProTrack Warehouse, all affected employees, and the activities which the affected employees worked over a date range.

Punch Summary Report

This report displays Displays all of the time and attendance time punch information over a date range.

Punch Error Summary Report

This report displays Displays all of the time and attendance time punch information that has erred out over a date range.

Quality by Assignment

This report displays Displays the number of errors of each quality type committed by assignment in the input time period.

Quality by Employee

This report displays Displays the no of errors of each quality type committed by employees in the input time period.

Quality by Quality Type

This report displays Displays the total no of errors of each quality type committed by all employees per day per assignment in the input time period.

Trip Audit by Assignment

The Trip Audit by Assignment report displays Displays a complete breakdown of the standard time allotted for a specific assignment , by determinant, and summarizes the standard time into worktime and travel totals. User can retrieve the audits by assignment, employee, and time date range. Assignments for this report , need not be in 'COM' status.

Trip Audit For Completed Assignments The Trip

Audit for Completed Assignments is functionally the same, except that it may be run Displays a complete breakdown of the standard time allotted for a specific assignment by determinant, and summarizes the standard time into worktime and travel totals across multiple assignments at once. However the assignments Assignments for this report must be in 'COM' status.

Schedule Variance Report

This report displays Displays all employee work schedules whose start or end times varied from the assigned scheduled shift by a user-definable threshold (the "Variance Threshold"). The report also lists the variances of the overall schedule durations to identify when an employee worked shorter or longer than what they were scheduled to work.

Work To Do Summary

This report displays Displays a summary of the assignments by activity that are yet to be completed in the input time periodwithin a specified date range.

Work To Do Report

This report displays Displays the assignments that are yet to be completed in the input time periodwithin a specified date range.

To generate a report:

  1. Click and select the facilities from the Search Facility Name screen.
  2. Select which report you want to generate from the Report Name list.
  3. Click and select From Date and To Date for which the report should be generated.
  4. Click to generate the report.

    • Click Clear, if you want to clear all the values in the fields.
