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Select the employee's status: Active, Inactive, Temporary, or Terminated

Pay Rate

Type the Pay Rate for the employee. It is used for incentives calculations and report based on cost.

Social Security Number

Type the employee's social security number.

Date of Hire

Select the date which the employee was hired by clicking .

Source of Hire

Select the source for the hire from the drop down menu list.

Effective Date

Select the date which the employee will be effective in PTW. Must be at least one-day after the Date of Hire by clicking .

Termination Date

Select the employee's date of termination by clicking .

Departure Reason

Select the reason for terminating the employee from the list.

Home Facility

Select the employee's home facility from the drop down list.


Select the employee's role by clicking .


Select which department the employee belongs to by clicking .


Select employee's supervisor by clicking .

Home Activity

Select the home activity the employee belongs to by clicking .

Home Zone

Select the home zone the employee belongs to from the drop down list.

Home Microzone

Select the home microzone the employee belongs to from the drop down list.

Grouping Assignment

Select the check box to allow the employee to group assignments through the Kiosk screen.

Show Performance

Select the check box to enable the employee's total information to be displayed on the Kiosk screen.

Show Standard

Select the check box to enable the employee's standards information to be displayed on the Kiosk screen.

Employee Mandatory Field Description




Personal Info


Employee's First and Last Name.

Personal Info

Time & Attendance ID

Must match the ID in the Time and Attendance feeds exactly.

Personal Info

Employee ID

Must match the ID in the WMS transaction feeds exactly.

Personal Info

Alternate ID

This ID can appear on reports in place of the employee name or WMS ID.

Personal Info

ProTrack Login

User ID and Password if employee will be logging into PTW.

Work Info

Date of Hire

Date which the employee was hired.

Work Info

Effective Date

Date which the employee is effective in PTW. Must be at least one-day after Date of Hire.

Work Info


Current status of employee: Active, Inactive, Temporary or Terminated.

Work Info


Select the supervisor the employee is assigned to.

Work Info

Home Activity ID

Select the . A required field for Labor Planning.

Work Info

Home Department

Select which department the employee belongs to. Department is tied to the associate and is a reportable bucket.

Work Info

Home Facility

Select which facility the employee belongs to.

Work Info


Select the role the employee will be assigned to. Each role will have varying user functions which are
configured on the Security screen.


Name of Schedule

Displays the schedule group the employee is assigned to and when it will expire.

Table 16. Employees Field Descriptions




Table 18. Work Info Descriptions


imageEmp Schedule.jpg
titleFig.104 Maintain Employee - Schedule

  1. Click the Schedule tab to assign Schedule Groups to the employee. Refer to the ProTrack Warehouse Configuration Manual for information on setting up Schedule Groups.
  2. Click Image Added and a record appears.

    imageES Add.jpg
    titleFig.105 Maintain Employee - Adding A Schedule Group

  3. Click Image Added to bring up a popup window and select a Schedule Group the employee belongs to.

    imageES Groups.jpg
    titleFig.106 Maintain Employee - Select Schedule Group