Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  1. Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select Shifts under the Employee menu. The Maintain Shifts screen appears.

    titleFig.115 Maintain Shifts

    Maintain Shifts Field Description



    Shift Name

    As it will appear on reports.


    The facility this shift is related to.

    Shift Description

    Detailed description relating to the shift.

    Table. 20 Maintain Shifts Descriptions

    Maintain Shifts Tabs Field Description




    Displays the details of the shift.

    Assign Schedule

    Displays the schedules assigned to the selected shift.

    Table. 21 Maintain Shifts Tabs Descriptions


Adding New Shifts

To add a new shift:

  1. Type the Shift Name.
  2. Select the facility name from the drop down list.
  3. Type any Shift Descriptions in the text area.

    imageNew Shift.jpg
    titleFig.116 Maintain Shifts - Add New Shift

  4. Click Assign Schedule tab.

    imageShift Assign Sch.jpg
    titleFig.117 Maintain Shifts - Assign Schedules

  5. Click the 'Select Schedules' and a popup window appears listing all the schedules.

    imageShift Select Sch.jpg
    titleFig.118 Maintain Shifts - Selecting Schedules

  6. Search for the appropriate schedule(s) by providing the schedule name or facility. The corresponding schedules are listed.

    imageShift Sch List.jpg
    titleFig.119 Maintain Shifts - Schedules List

  7. Select the check box of each schedule you want to associate to the shift.
    1. To select all the schedules in the 'Search Results', select the Select check box and all the schedules are selected.
  8. Click Image Modified to assign the selected schedules to the shift. The selected schedules are listed in the 'Shift Schedules' list in the Maintain Shift screen.

    imageShift Add Sch.jpg
    titleFig.120 Maintain Shifts - Add Schedules

    • If you do not want to save a Schedule associated to a shift, select the Delete check box of the corresponding Schedules and click on Save.

  9. Click Image Modified to save the Shift.



Shift Name

Type a unique Shift Name which is alphanumeric (Combination of Alphabets and Numbers)


Select a facility name.

Shift Description

Describe the shift.



  • Shift Name
  • Facility
  1. To search for particular shifts:
  2. Click Search Image Added in the Maintain Shifts screen , the Search Shift screen and a popup window appears.


  1. image


  1. imageShift Search.jpg


  1. Maintain Shifts -


  1. Search


  1. Shift

  2. Type a shift name or select any of the search criteria mentioned above, that is Shift Name or Facility.


  1. a facility from the drop down list.
    • Type the first character of a shift to list all the shifts starting with that particular character. For example, to search the shifts starting with the character 'M', enter '


    • M' in the Shift Name field to list shifts such as 'Morning Shift', 'MidShift' and so on.


    • If no search criteria are specified all the activities will be listed in the 'Shift Search Results' section.

  1. Click Image Added


  1. in the Search Shift screen. The records matching the selected criteria are listed in the 'Shift Search Results' section of the Maintain Shift screen.


Viewing and Editing Shifts


  • If no search criteria are specified all the activities will be listed in the 'Shift Search Results' section.

Anchor_Toc133051169_Toc133051169View and Edit Shift
Shifts can be viewed and edited from the 'Shift Search Results' section in the Maintain Shifts screen.

To view and edit the shift:

  1. Search and list the Shifts you want to view and edit in the 'Shift Search Results' section by providing a search criteria (Refer Search Shifts).
  2. Click shift name link from the 'Shift Search Results' section to edit a particular shift. The details of the selected shift appear in the corresponding fields in the Maintain Shifts screen.

    imageShift View.jpg
    titleFig.122 Maintain Shifts - View Shift

  3. Change the required fields.
    • The field Shift Description is editable and but the Shift Name field is not.
    • The Facility list is not available if schedules are associated with the shift.



  1. To assign schedules to the existing shift, click the Assign Schedule Tab. (Refer Add Schedules for information on assigning schedules).


  1. To delete schedules assigned to the shift


  1. , select the


  1. check box of each schedule and


  1. click the


  1. Image Added button.


  1. Click Save Image Added to save the changes.
    • If you have made the changes in the fields and do not want to save the details, click Reset before you save the changes.
    • If you want to add a shift, click Add to clear the fields and to bring the screen to add mode.