Versions Compared


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  1. Access the Update Quality screen.
  2. Click Assignment ID option.

    imageQuality by Asgn.jpg
    titleFig.41 Quality Record by Assignment

  3. To select an Assignment ID, click and the Search Assignment screen appears.

    imageSearch Quality.jpg
    titleFig.42 Update Quality - Search Assignment

    • You can search for a particular assignment by specifying the Assignment ID and clicking .

    imageQuality Asgn.jpg
    titleFig.43 Update Quality - Search Assignment

  4. When you click the selected Assignment ID, the fields: Activity, Occurrence Date, and Employee ID associated with the selected assignment will be populated in the Update Quality screen.

    imageAdd by Asgn.jpg
    titleFig.44 Update Quality - Add by Assignment

  5. Click and select Quality Type. Type Occurrence Quantity, Occurrence Value, Checked Quantity, Zone, Microzone, External and Description.
  6. Click to save the quality record.


Adding Quality Record by Employee

To add a new Quality Record by assignments:

  1. Access the Update Quality screen.
  2. Click Employee ID option.
  3. To select Employee ID, click and the Search Employee ID screen appears.


    Make sure that you change the search setting from Assignment ID to Employee ID (viewable by the bubble next to the terms).

    imageAdd by Emp.jpg
    titleFig.45 Update Quality - Add by Employee

    imageSearch Emp.jpg
    titleFig.46 Update Quality - Add by Employee

  4. Click the selected Employee ID, the Employee ID field is updated in the Update Quality screen.

    imageSelect Emp.jpg
    titleFig.47 Update Quality - Add by Employee

  5. Click and select Quality Type and activity. Also enter Occurrence Quantity, Occurrence Value, Checked Quantity, Zone, Microzone, External and Description.
  6. To select Assignment ID, click and the Search Assignment screen appears. Then click the selected assignment ID link.
  7. To select Occurrence Date, click and select the Occurrence Date.
  8. Click to save the employee's quality record.


Searching Quality Records

The Quality Records can be searched for by providing the following search criteria in the Search Quality Update screen:


  1. Click in the Update Quality screen and the Search Quality Update screen appears.

    imageSearch Quality 2.jpg
    titleFig.48 Update Quality - Search Assignment

    imageSearch Quality 3.jpg
    titleFig.49 Update Quality - Search Assignment

  2. Select the mode of search, Assignment ID or Employee ID.

    • To list the Quality Types with Assignment ID or Employee ID starting with a particular character, type the character in Assignment ID field, for example to search assignments starting with the character 'M' enter 'M' in the Assignment ID field to list assignments such as 'MAN514', 'Man568' and so on.

  3. Click in the Update Quality screen. The records for the selected criteria are listed in the 'Quality Update Search Results' section of the Update Quality screen.

    imageSearch Quality Results.jpg
    titleFig.50 Update Quality - Quality Record Search Results

    • If no search criteria are specified, then all the quality records will be listed in the 'Quality Record Search Results' section.


Viewing & Editing Quality Record

The quality records can be viewed and edited from the 'Quality Record Search Results' section in the Update Quality screen. The quality records can be viewed or edited based on the privileges of the user.

To view and edit a quality record:
