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The Equipment tab screen allows the creation, viewing, editing, and deleting of equipmentsequipment. Equipment speeds can be defined with a default value or specific speeds using distance intervals.


  1. Enter an Equipment Type Name, which can be alphanumeric.
  2. Enter a unique Equipment Type ID, which can be alphanumeric.

    imageME New.jpg
    titleFig.167 Maintain Equipment - Adding New Equipment

    Maintain Equipment Field Descriptions



    Equipment Type Name

    Type the equipment name, which can be alphanumeric.

    Equipment Type ID

    Type a unique equipment ID, which can be alphanumeric.

    Equipment Make

    Type the details of the manufacturer.

    Manufacture Date

    Select the date of manufacture.

    Equipment Model

    Type the description for equipment model.

    Initial Cost

    Enter the cost of the equipment in USD.

    Schedule Maintenance

    Select a date for servicing.


    Type any additional information, if any.

    Table 32. Maintain Equipment Field Descriptions
    • Fields that are in bold are mandatory, all other fields are optional.
    • Click Image Added to enter dates for the Manufacture Date and Schedule Maintenance.