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  1. Click in the Determinants screen, the Search Determinant screen appears.

    imageDet Search.jpg
    titleFig.210 Determinants - Search

  2. Type either Determinant Name or select the Determinant Type and Determinant Level from their respective lists.

    • To list Determinants with names starting with a particular character, enter the character into the field. For example, to search determinants starting with the character 'C', enter 'C' in the Determinant Name to list determinants with names starting with C.
    • If no search criteria are specified all the determinants will be listed in the 'Determinant Search Results' section.

  3. Click and the records for the selected criteria are listed in the 'Determinants Search Results' section of the Determinants screen.

    imageDet Results.jpg
    titleFig.211 Determinants - Search Results

Viewing & Editing Determinant

The determinants can be viewed and edited from the 'Determinants Search Results' section in the Determinants screen. The determinants can be viewed or edited based on the privileges of the user.

To view and edit the determinant:

  1. Search and list the determinants you want to view or edit in the 'Determinants Search Results' section.
  2. Click the selected Determinant Name link from the 'Determinant Search Results' section. The details of the determinant appear in the corresponding fields in the Determinants screen.
  3. Change the required fields.
  4. Click Image Added to save the changes.

    • If you have made the changes in the fields and do not want to save the details, click Reset before you save the changes.
    • To delete the Determinant Condition in the Condition Tab, select the corresponding Delete Check boxes and click Image Added.
    • If you want to add determinants at this point, click Image Added to clear the fields and bring the screen to add mode.
    • These changes will only be applied to assignments worked after the changes have been made, unless the Re-calc button on the Daily Inquiry screen is invoked.