Versions Compared


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  1. Type a unique Standard Name. The Standard ID is generated automatically.
  2. If you want to Calculate Horizontal Travel, click 'Yes'. If not click 'No'.
  3. If you want to calculate vertical travel, click 'Yes'. If not click 'No'.
  4. To calculate re-trip standard time, select the Re-trip check box and type the Re-trip Standard Time.
  5. Select the default equipment type from the Default Equipment list and entry capacity units by selecting the check boxes, Lines, Units, Weight, or Volume.
  6. Type Description.
  7. To assign determinants to the standard, click the 'Assign Determinant' tab and the Standards screen appears with the Standard Name field and a blank 'Determinant' list.

    imageStd Assign.jpg
    titleFig.213 Standards - Assign Determinants

  8. You can search for the particular determinants by clicking the 'Select Determinant' link.

    imageStd Select.jpg
    titleFig.214 Standards - Select Determinants

  9. Provide the search criteria in the Name field or selecting the Determinant level or Work from the respective lists and click . The determinants will be listed in the 'Search Results' section.

    imageStd Search.jpg
    titleFig.215 Standards - Search Determinants

  10. Select the Select check box of the individual determinants and click Submit. The selected determinants will be listed in the 'Determinants' list section of the Standards screen.

    imageStd Det.jpg
    titleFig.216 Standards - Selected Determinants

  11. To assign static or progressive fatigue factors for a standard, click the 'Fatigue' tab.

    imageStd Fatigue.jpg
    titleFig.217 Standards - Fatigue

  12. To assign static fatigue factors, click Assign Fatigue Hour to All and type the percentage of fatigue in Fatigue Hour All field.
  13. To assign progressive fatigue factors, click Assign Individual Fatigue Hour and type the percentage of fatigue factors in Fatigue Hour Factors fields.

    • If 'Assign Fatigue Hour to All' is assigned then 'Assign Individual Fatigue Hour' will be unavailable to add and vice-versa.
  14. Click to save the standard with the determinant and fatigue details.

Searching Standards

To search for particular Standards:

  1. Click Image Added in the Standards screen and the Search Standard screen appears.

    imageStd Search Std.jpg
    titleFig.218 Standards - Search Standards

  2. Type either Standard Name or select the standard type from the Standard Type list.

    • To list Standards with names starting with a particular character, enter the character into the field. For example, to search standards starting with the character 'C', enter 'C' in the Standard Name to list standards with names starting with C.
    • If no search criteria are specified all the standards will be listed in the 'Standards Search Results' section.

  3. Click Image Added in the Search Standard screen and the records for the selected criteria are listed in the 'Standards Search Results' section.

Viewing & Editing Standards

To view and edit the standards:

  1. Search and list the standards you want to view or edit in the 'Standards Search Results' section.
  2. Click the selected standard ID link from the 'Standard Search Results' section. The details of the standard appear in the corresponding fields in the Standards screen.
  3. Change the required fields.
  4. Click Image Added to save the changes.

    • If you have made the changes in the fields and do not want to save the details, click Reset before you save the changes.
    • If you want to delete assigned determinant, click on the corresponding check box and click Image Added.
    • If you want to add a standard, click Image Added to clear the fields and to bring the screen to add mode.
    • These changes will only be applied to assignments worked after the changes have been made, unless the Re-calc button on the Daily Inquiry screen is invoked.

Copying Standards

You can copy the fields of an existing standard and use them to create new standards.

To copy standards:

  1. Search and list standards you want to copy in the 'Standard Search Results' section.
  2. Click the selected standard ID link from the 'Standard Search Results' section. The details of the standard appear in the corresponding fields in the Standards screen.
  3. Click Image Added and all the fields except the Standard Name is retained in the respective fields.
  4. Type in a new standard name.
  5. Click Image Added to save the new standard.