Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Type the Plan Name.
  2. Select 'Individual' for the Monitor Level of the alert.
  3. Click Employee List link, the Search Employee screen appears. The employee details appear in the 'Search Results' section of the Search Employee pop-up.

    imageAlert Emps.jpg
    titleFig.232 Maintain Alerts - Search Employees

    • To list the Employees with first names starting with a particular character, enter the character into the field. For example, to search the employees starting with the character 'P', enter 'P' in the first name field to list employees with first names starting with P.

  4. Select the check box of each employee that will be monitored from the list.

    imageAlert Select Emps.jpg
    titleFig.233 Maintain Alerts - Select Employees

  5. Click and the selected employees will populate in the 'Employee List' section.
  6. Click on the 'Alert Level' tab.

    imageAlert Level.jpg
    titleFig.234 Maintain Alerts - Alert Level

    Alert Level Field Descriptions



    Performance Alert Lower Limit

    Indicates the acceptable lower level of normal performance that is being monitored.

    Performance Alert Upper Limit

    Indicates the upper level of normal performance that is being monitored.

    Performance Critical Lower Limit

    Indicates the acceptable lower level of critical performance that is being monitored.

    Performance Critical Upper Limit

    Indicates the upper level of critical performance that is being monitored.

    Utilization Alert Lower Limit

    Indicates the acceptable lower level of utilization that is being monitored.

    Utilization Critical Lower Limit

    Indicates the acceptable critical lower level of utilization that is being monitored.

    Effectiveness Alert Lower Limit

    Indicates the acceptable normal lower level of effectiveness that is being monitored.

    Effectiveness Critical Lower Limit

    Indicates the acceptable critical lower level of effectiveness that is being monitored.


    Type a corresponding message for any of the criteria (Performance, Utilization, and Effectiveness) depending on the Normal or Critical Limit.

    Table 58. Alert Level Field Descriptions

    Quality Threshold Field Descriptions



    No. Of Errors - Alert Normal Limit

    Indicates the acceptable number of errors for normal level for the given Unit Of Measure (UOM).

    No. Of Errors - Critical Limit

    Indicates the acceptable number of errors for critical level for the given UOM.

    % Of Errors - Alert Normal Limit

    Indicates the acceptable percentage of errors for normal level for the given UOM.

    % Of Errors - Critical Limit

    Indicates the acceptable percentage of errors for critical level for the given UOM.


    Unit Of Measure (Cases, Lines, Pallets, Units).


    Type a corresponding message for the criteria (No. of Errors or % of Errors) depending on the Normal or Critical Limit.

    Table 59. Quality Threshold Field Descriptions
  7. To specify alert levels of the selected entities, type the relevant fields under the sections: Performance, Utilization, Effectiveness, and Quality Threshold (Total Errors or Use % of Errors).
  8. Click the 'Subscriber' tab to select subscribers of the alert plan.

    imageMA Sub.jpg
    titleFig.236 Maintain Alerts - Subscriber

  9. Click the 'Select Subscriber' link and the Search Employee screen appears.

    imageMA Sub Emps.jpg
    titleFig.237 Maintain Alerts - Select Subscribers

  10. Select the check boxes next to the employees to add them as a subscriber.
  11. Click and the employees will be listed in the Maintain Alerts screen.

    imageMA Select Sub.jpg
    titleFig.238 Maintain Alerts - Subscribers

  12. Click to save the plan.

    • To delete a subscriber select the corresponding check boxes and click on .