Versions Compared


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The items listed above (facility, activities, schedules, and employees) can also be imported via flat file, rather than entered manually through the application. See Appendix A for details.

Zones, Micro-zones, Activity Group, Tasking Group, and Shifts


Zones and Micro-zones
These are elements which can be passed via WMS file import which represent where the Activity was physically performed in the facility. Additionally Zones and Micro-Zones may be used for more granular reporting. There is no direct relationship between a Zone and a Micro-Zone.

Wiki Markup[Activity Group]s and [Tasking Group]s
These are hierarchical groupings which provide you with the ability to group activities together for reporting purposes. An [Activity Group] is a group of \[ Activities\], and a [Tasking Group] is a group of [Activity Groups]Group. Each [Activity] may only belong to one \ [ Activity Group\]; each [Activity Group] may only belong to one [Tasking Group].

A Shift is simply a group of schedules. Shifts are often used in ProTrack Warehouse to to group schedules that start around the same time. For example a single Shift may contain three Schedules, which have associates on staggered start times (differing by perhaps 30 minutes).


ProTrack Warehouse is capable of calculating the discrete travel routes taken by associates as they work in an assignment. This is achieved by mapping the various places an associate travels to within the  ProTrack Warehouse application. The system utilizes a precise coordinate system to assign each location an (x,y) coordinate. We then define the passable travel paths, on which the locations are associated.


  1. Import Floors
  2. Import Aisle Paths and Travel Pathsunmigrated-wiki-markup
  3. Generate [Node]\[
  4. Import Segments
  5. Import Locations
  6. Generate cache

A Floor in  ProTrack Warehouse is simply the building's floor level (e.g. "first floor", "second floor", etc).


Nodes are generated at each intersection and end point of Aisle and Travel Paths. These are used by  ProTrack's Warehouse dynamic travel calculation engine.


Locations & Levels Locations are imported last and represent the various places an associate travels. Locations are specified as (x,y) coordinates. Levels are the various z heights within each location. A four-shelf rack with levels labeled as letters would typically have 5 levels: floor level (A), 1st shelf (B), 2nd shelf (C), 3rd shelf (D), and 4th shelf (E).

Caches (Node & Location Location) – ProTrack Warehouse utilizes two types of caching techniques in order to improve optimal travel route determination while calculating standard times. Node caching stores optimal routes between every pair of nodes on a floor and is a required process before standard calculation can take place. Location caching stores optimal routes between pairs of locations and is typically built and grows "on-the-fly" as WMS data is being processed in the system. Location cache is not required, but is merely a performance optimization.

In order to utilize ProTrack Warehouse's dynamic travel route calculation functionality, a specific type of equipment must be configured in the system. This is used to determine how fast an associate can travel along the optimal route.   ProTrack Warehouse utilizes the concept of "speed breaks", which allows you to configure different speeds for different distance ranges. This is based on the simple idea that an associate can accelerate to a higher speed when going further.
