Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


On this tab the user selects the various reporting metrics to be included on the report and optionally applies any additional filtering criteria to the selected metrics. The user can add both Performance and/or Quality metrics onto a single report.

To set up metrics:

  1. Click to add the desired metrics. Each metric will be added as a column on the report.

    imageAH Perf Metric.jpg
    titleFig.120 Ad Hoc Reporting - Performance Metrics

  2. Select a Criteria from the drop down list.

    Listed below are the available Performance metrics:

    • Total Time
    • Break / Lunch Hours
    • Delay Hours
    • Indirect Hours
    • Actual Time on Standard
    • Standard Time Earned
    • Adjusted Standard Time
    • Actual Performance
    • Total Performance
    • Adjusted Performance
    • Effectiveness
    • Utilization
    • Actual Cost ($) - employees' payrates × actual times on standard
    • Standard Cost ($) - employees' payrates × standard times earned
    • Adjusted Cost ($) - employees' payrates × adjusted standard times earned

  3. The next 5 columns are used to filter the data presented in the selected metric (if desired).
  4. Comparator1 - a mathematical operator used in conjunction with the field to the right ("Value").


    Available comparators are:

    • > (greater than)
    • < (less than)
    • = (equal to)
    • <= (less than or equal to)
    • >= (greater than or equal to)
    • "-" is simply a placeholder meaning nothing is selected. It is not a subtraction sign.

  5. Value - used in conjunction with Comparator1. Enter a numeric value to constrain the data. For example if Comparator1 is set to "<" and "5" is typed into the Value field, only data which are less than 5 will be displayed on the report.
  6. Logical Operator: "AND", "OR". Use this column to join the previous two columns with an additional comparator and value in the next two columns.
  7. Comparator2 - an additional comparator.
  8. Value - used in conjunction with Comparator2.
  9. The next column is used to sort the data. Data can be sorted in either ascending or descending order.
  10. Select the order number of each metric. This is the column number in which the metric will appear. Columns appear left-to-right with number 1 being on the far left.
  11. If "Sort by Columns" was selected on the Basic screen, all reported data will first be sorted by the column on the far left (having an Order Number of "1"), and then by the second column, then third, etc... Thus it is important to place the column by which you want the data sorted on the far left (Order Number = 1). If "Sort by Groups" was selected on the Basic screen, the Sort option here has no effect.
  12. At the minimum, for each Metric that is added, a Criteria and Order Number must be selected. All comparators are optional.
  13. Click or on the far right to add or delete metrics.
  14. Once all of the metrics have been added, the report can either simply be run by clicking , or saved as a Report Profile.
  15. Click and a popup window appears.

    imageAH Save Profile.jpg
    titleFig.121 Ad Hoc Reporting - Save Profile

  16. Type in a name for the report profile. Report Profile names MUST be unique across all users.
  17. If the profile was already previously saved, clicking will simply overwrite the existing profile settings without prompting for a Profile Name.
  18. Alternatively, if an existing profile has been edited, but you want to keep the original profile settings too, click button to bring up the Profile Name popup and save the Report Profile as a new name.
  19. Click to generate the report in HTML-Crystal Reports.

    imageAH Report.jpg
    titleFig.122 Ad Hoc Reporting

    • Grand Total will be shown as the first row on the first page instead of the last row on the last page.
    • Sub-Total will now be listed as the first row when a new grouping is presented. For example, Fig.122 shows the employee sub-total as the first row and the values that sum up to that total are listed underneath.

  20. From there, the report can either be sent to a printer or exported to a variety of formats by clicking .

    Available export formats include:

    • Adobe Reader (.pdf)
    • Microsoft Excel (.xls)
    • Microsoft Excel (data only) - this option removes formatting
    • Microsoft Word (.doc)
    • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
    • Separated Values (.csv)