Resolved issue where facilities with more than 2000 locations would fail to export
Resolved issue with workbench widgets not reflecting the work of employees who work at multiple facilities
Resolved issue with Cost/Performance reports using an inconsistent baseline
Resolved issue where UI created assignments would occasionally be stuck in ADD status
Resolved issue with observation overdue days formula in BI Tools
Resolved issue where observations could not be created from the Team Performance widget
ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.25 – Release Date: May 17, 2021
Resolved an issue with the Savings tab not showing up on the Facility Config screen when the user has access to the BI Tools
Resolved an issue with parsing the learning curve date when saving employees
Resolved an issue with the Standard Adjustment screen not loading correctly
Resolved an issue where the Indirect Activity dropdown was populating with %20 instead of spaces
Resolved an issue where child assignments could be misnumbered if multiple files with child assignments for the same assignment ID were sent within the same import window
Resolved an issue where the about screen would appear blank under certain circumstances
Changed the Employee Import to allow the Activity Filter Flag to be imported
Resolved an issue where the Determinant Condition Value was not appearing on the Standard Configuration report
Resolved an "unparseable date" issue in assignment search in the Observations module
Adjusted how the assignment update trigger moves information to the BI tool to increase performance when making changes to assignments
Allowed for the Selector Fields to use UDN and UDA values above 20 (UDN21, UDA22, etc)
Updated the names in the selector field display to more accurately represent their function
Added an index to certain tables related to the BI Tools to improve BI performance