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Zones and Micro-zones
These are elements which can be passed via WMS file import which represent where the Activity was physically performed in the facility. Additionally Zones and Micro-Zones may be used for more granular reporting. There is no direct relationship between a Zone and a Micro-Zone.

Wiki Markup
[Activity Group]s and [Tasking Group]s

These are hierarchical groupings which provide you with the ability to group activities together for reporting purposes. An [Activity Group] is a group of\[ Activities\], and a [Tasking Group] is a group of [Activity Groups]. Each [Activity] may only belong to one \[ Activity Group\]; each [Activity Group] may only belong to one [Tasking Group].

A Shift is simply a group of schedules. Shifts are often used in ProTrack Warehouse to group schedules that start around the same time. For example a single Shift may contain three Schedules, which have associates on staggered start times (differing by perhaps 30 minutes).


  1. Import Floors
  2. Import Aisle Paths and Travel Paths
  3. Wiki Markup
    Generate [Node]\[
  4. Import Segments
  5. Import Locations
  6. Generate cache
