Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Chrome (latest)
  • Internet Explorer 11

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.38 – Release Date: June 24, 2022


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where work schedules were not being deleted when all non-ES assignments were transferred to a different schedule.
  • Resolved issue with Add button not appearing on the Lists Configuration screen.
  • Resolved issue where ReProcess button was missing from Time Attendance Status screen.

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.37 – Release Date: June 10, 2022


  • Users running Performance Reports can now select 0% or 100% as the baseline.

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue with the “Volumetrics by Total Units” widget causing connection issues when opened by multiple users
  • Resolved issue where imports would pick up temporary files before they were completely written
  • Resolved issue where the day’s assignments would not load in the Create Delay screen
  • Resolved issue where Facility Layout screen would become blank after an error during export
  • Added missing error message to WMS Import Data search dropdown
  • Resolved issue with Security screen where already selected functions would appear when attempting to add new ones
  • Resolved issues affecting the “About” screen
  • Resolved issue with Salesforce Configuration screen not displaying correctly
  • Resolved incorrect logo issue if user does not have access to the workbench
  • Various security fixes and updates

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.36 – Release Date: April 26, 2022


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where open items on the workbench were not displaying correctly when an employee was not working in their home facility
  • Resolved rare issue where TA would attempt to process files that were not completely imported from ProTrack Connect
  • Resolved issue where INP status assignments were appearing in the Open Items and Open Items List widgets on the workbench
  • Resolved issue where attempting to change the DI grid configuration after an upgrade could cause display issues
  • Resolved issue where control screen estimations were calculating as 0 beyond the first employee
  • Resolved issue where searching by Employee ID or Supervisor on Performance Trend would return 0 results
  • Resolved Issue where determinants with the word Local in the name would show up as Travel Time instead of Work Time in the Trip Audit
  • Resolved Issue where temporary employees were not being considered for licensing purposes
  • Fixed text alignment issue on Incentive Config screen
  • Various enhancements to increase visibility into software usage


  • Introduced the ability to create summary cubes to allow Dashboards to load historical information from large data sets much more quickly.

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where certain users could not see Dashboard data when attempting to use filters due to their security configuration
  • Resolved issue where user migration to Keycloak was failing if the ProTrack user id was blank
  • Resolved issue with a database view not creating correctly

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.34 – Release Date: March 17, 2022


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue Control Screen was throwing Data Conversion errors
  • Resolved issue regarding TA not populating correctly and throwing a rollback error
  • Resolved issue where the Incentive and Accountability Variable Date calendars behaved in different ways. Incentive calendar was changed to match accountability functionality.
  • Resolved issues with keycloak relating to the Production Boards and Labor Planning

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.33 – Release Date: March 10, 2022


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where TA punches could occasionally create multiple Start of Shift or End of Shift assignments
  • Resolved issue where the kiosk could create multiple assignments with the same name if the Save button was clicked multiple times
  • Resolved issue with transfer functionality being unable to create a new work schedule
  • Resolved issue where a TA Lunch would not slot if an ES Break were already in its time slot
  • Resolved issue where teams were not populating when attempting to share Report Profiles
  • Resolved issue where the Production Board would time out and log out after several hours
  • Resolved issues surrounding creation and saving of Incentive plans
  • Resolved issue where employees could not be added to a learning curve
  • Resolved issue with nodes not saving correctly on Facility Layout screen due to a rounding issue
  • Resolved issue where Standard Adjustments larger than 100 would not save
  • Resolved issue where the upgrade script would fail when updating the Standard Adjustments table
  • Resolved issue where Incentive Detail Report and Punch Error Summary Report were not appearing
  • Resolved issue where deleting a dashboard that was being used on the Production Board would result in a blank line that could not be removed
  • Resolved issue where data for terminated employees were being processed into ProTrack instead of staying in Error in WMS Import Data
  • Resolved issue where long activity names could not be read when generating an observation
  • Resolved display issue when using Observations in Firefox



Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue in Accountability where Steps and Employees were not saving correctly
  • Resolved issue with WMS Import Data assignments failing to load when using UDNs higher than 40
  • Resolved issue with selecting multiple supervisors on the landing page
  • Resolved issue with license screen loading properly
  • Resolved issue with control screen for ProTrack hosted in the cloud on Kubernetes

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.31 – Release Date: January 13, 2022


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where WMS Open Items were unable to be ReProcessed


  • Improved BI functionality and speed for large data sets
  • Users should no longer need to clear their cache after an upgrade for improved ProTrack functionality

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where an EOD would not apply to a schedule with an SOD but no assignments
  • Resolved issue where Open Items list would ignore the year when sorting by date
  • Resolved issue where Daily Inquiry screen would not respect role security options when accessed from a workbench link


  • Allowed for Standard Adjustments to include decimal places in the adjustment percentage.
  • Added subtotal to certain Cost/Performance Reports.

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where multiple assignments with the same ID could be created on the control screen.
  • Resolved issue where Accountability Activities could disappear from Accountability Plan if the Save button was clicked multiple times.
  • Resolved issues related to Observations not displaying on the home screen due to a hidden unparseable date error.
  • Resolved issue with user migration when migrating from older versions of ProTrack.
  • Resolved issue with kiosk users following user migration.
  • Resolved issue where users could not access Sisense due to a case mismatch.
  • Resolved issue with a 403 forbidden error in Sisense when updating users.
  • Resolved issue where error message would not appear when signing observation with incorrect password.
  • Resolved issue where user creating Standard Adjustment would always default to "master"
  • Resolved issue where inactive employees could use the Time Clock.
  • Removed Facility filter restriction from Adhoc reports group by order
  • Functions on the security screen are alphabetically sorted
  • Increased the size of the Raw Standard, Base Standard, and Adjusted Standard fields to allow for larger numbers to be calculated for standards.
  • Increased max size of the container type wms import field to 40 characters.
  • Resolved issue where Department column was added to WMS Import Data screen
  • Updated the search boxes for consistency – all text boxes should now be partial searches, allowing the search to match any part of the result. (i.e. – searching 'pack' will now find 'packing', 'repack', and 'repacking')
  • Improved Google Cloud logging functionality
  • Optimized queries for populating BI_Assignments table
  • Removed hard-coding of Keycloak server, allowing expandability to multiple Keycloak servers in the future if necessary
  • Text updates for Observations module to remove relics from renaming.
  • Resolved various text issues related to printing Observations


  • Added functionality to restore deleted assignments from the Daily Inquiry screen
  • Added support for using external IDPs with Keycloak
  • Added support for mini-cubes for BI Tools to retrieve smaller chunks of data more rapidly

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where editing the SOD/EOD of a schedule would cause a null error.
  • Increased the loading speed of dashboard widgets
  • Resolved issue where clicking an open item from the widget would result in being unable to edit assignments on the DI if the facility was not set on the workbench
  • Resolved issue where Employee Import would not import the hiring source id
  • Fixed the hyperlink from the DI of an adjusted standard to direct to the Standard Adjustments screen
  • Allowed for much larger numbers to be stored for assignment durations and standard time
  • Added an error message in the kiosk when an employee is not authorized to work a kiosk assignment based on their approved facilities
  • Added loggers for scheduler for pending tasks and requests in the system
  • Modified BI savings calculations to not include Break/Lunch hours
  • Various security fixes and updates

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.27 – Release Date: July 28, 2021


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved several miscellaneous functionality issues with the Labor Planning module
  • Resolved issue where an accountability plan would not generate observations
  • Resolved issue with discipline plans without discipline steps generating too many observations
  • Resolved issue where a schedule end time was unable to be edited under certain circumstances
  • Resolved issue where learning curves were updating but not being properly displayed
  • Resolved issue with RabbitMQ causing intermittent ProTrack restarts
  • Resolved rare issue where ProTrack would sometimes stop processing imported data after a restart and would require a second restart


  • Greatly increased the speed of the Facility Export
  • "Discipline" has been renamed to "Accountability" across the software

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where facilities with more than 2000 locations would fail to export
  • Resolved issue with workbench widgets not reflecting the work of employees who work at multiple facilities

  • Resolved issue with Cost/Performance reports using an inconsistent baseline
  • Resolved issue where UI created assignments would occasionally be stuck in ADD status
  • Resolved issue with observation overdue days formula in BI Tools
  • Resolved issue where observations could not be created from the Team Performance widget


  • New Feature: Multi-site is now available
    • ProTrack now allows for employees to work at kiosks in multiple facilities.  The employee screen now allows users to configure a home facility for your employees
    • Employees who work at multiple facilities may be configured to a Role that is authorized to work at other facilities via the Employee → Security screen: 

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved Issue where Kiosk Activity Group Name would not import correctly during Employee Import
  • Resolved an exception error being thrown on the dashboard when left idle for too long
  • Resolved issue where if one imported pre-assignment errored out, the entire file of pre-assignments would error out instead of only the offending assignment
  • Resolved issue where a user accessing the workbench for the first time would never see widgets
  • Resolved issue on the Facility screen where the State could not be set properly
  • Resolved issue where the Standard Adjustment screen would not load properly under certain conditions

  • Resolved issue on the Facility Layout screen where an intersection node would not delete when only one of the connected aisle paths was deleted
  • Adjusted savings calculations to include paid breaks
  • Cleaned up issues on the landing page related to the performance improvements from the previous version
  • Migrated password complexity requirements to Keycloak, improving security


  • Major improvements to the performance of the Ad Hoc report
  • Improved the Spanish translations for the Kiosk
  • Improved logging for the TA and Employee Feed imports
  • Added a Facility filter on the Time Attendance Status monitor

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved an issue with the Savings tab not showing up on the Facility Config screen when the user has access to the BI Tools

  • Resolved an issue with parsing the learning curve date when saving employees
  • Resolved an issue with the Standard Adjustment screen not loading correctly
  • Resolved an issue where the Indirect Activity dropdown was populating with %20 instead of spaces
  • Resolved an issue where child assignments could be misnumbered if multiple files with child assignments for the same assignment ID were sent within the same import window
  • Resolved an issue where the about screen would appear blank under certain circumstances
  • Changed the Employee Import to allow the Activity Filter Flag to be imported
  • Resolved an issue where the Determinant Condition Value was not appearing on the Standard Configuration report
  • Resolved an "unparseable date" issue in assignment search in the Observations module
  • Adjusted how the assignment update trigger moves information to the BI tool to increase performance when making changes to assignments
  • Allowed for the Selector Fields to use UDN and UDA values above 20 (UDN21, UDA22, etc)
  • Updated the names in the selector field display to more accurately represent their function
  • Added an index to certain tables related to the BI Tools to improve BI performance
  • Improved the performance of the landing page


  • Added option to hide pay rate in the employee configuration screen
  • Changed WMS Import Delete to to logical delete to allow TZA staff to recover deleted WMS Import Data items

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue with improper Activities displaying in Kiosk

  • Fixed width of the Cost/Performance Report

  • Resolved issue with Kiosk where multiple work schedules could be created for a reopened assignment

  • Added support for Dashboard Viewer license for Dashboard submenu & dashboard sharing

  • Resolved issue where license screen would appear blank

  • Resolved issue where a work time function of maximum length would fail to calculate properly

  • Increased maximum length of the work time function for determinants

  • Resolved issue where a schedule type could not be edited after a schedule using it had been created

  • Various cross-site scripting fixes for increased security

  • Resolved issue where Ad Hoc Reports would not populate for employees with long shift names

  • Resolved issue where Kiosk would sometimes hide the resume and undo buttons

  • Resolved issue where daily inquiry would sometimes not display delays in chronological order


  • Changed the way loggers tracked information to allow for more usage statistics to be gathered
    • This will help with gathering information to assist ProTrack support in troubleshooting more complex issues

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where weekly performance and utilization were not correctly displayed on dashboard

  • Resolved issue where assignments with special characters would cause an error on KVI entry screen

  • Corrected role access for KVI Entry screen

  • Resolved issue where employee working on multiple sites was displayed twice in daily inquiry screen

  • Resolved issue where a report exported to excel would not be calculable in rare situations

  • Resolved issue when using schedule as an ad hoc report filter

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.20 – Release Date: November 23, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue with using special characters in assignment IDs for the Kiosk

  • Resolved calculation issue where report data and daily inquiry data had slight discrepancies

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.19 – Released November 5, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Added “Begin Location” to Standard Configuration Report

  • Resolved issue where Facility Layout screen did not clear options when navigated away from

  • Added feature to record user who disapproved a delay

  • Resolved issue where license pop-up screen would appear blank

  • Resolved issue where an email address with more than one period would cause an error

  • Added savings calculations at employee level to savings report

  • Resolved issue where start location could award travel via its level

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.18 – Release Date: October 19, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where activities would not populate KVI Entry if they had more than one selector

  • Resolved issue involving employees scanning into Kiosk at facility they were unauthorized to work

  • Added pause and resume functionalities to Kiosk timer

  • Fixed views to only use the date of observation and not the time

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.17 – Release Date: September 22, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where employee import would not import the supervisor

  • Resolved various issues with employee search functionality

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.16 – Release Date: September 9, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where determinant could not be edited after setting start/end location

  • Added loading screen to production board until user dashboards are populated

  • Resolved issue where ProTrack version was not populating in about screen

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.15 – Release Date: September 1, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved schedule time zone saving incorrectly when server time zone is different from facility

  • Resolved issue where facility screen would not load for some users

  • Resolved issue where workbench would default to white screen for certain browsers

  • Added tracking for assignment creation date and user

  • Various text fixes for certain unclear error pop-ups


  • Miscellaneous Reports have been added to the Reports menu

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue with employee filter in observations

  • Resolved issue with daily inquiry screen when buffer time was set to null

  • Resolved session timeout issue with kiosk

  • Resolved issue with using scanners to input a delay to the kiosk

  • Resolved issue where assignments with updated KVIs would sometimes not save correctly

  • Resolved issue with KVI task lines not saving properly

  • Resolved issue with incentives where users were not able to add a new payout scale

  • Resolved rare issue where Start of Shift punch was errored out incorrectly

  • Added email validation to ensure valid email address is being input

  • Optimized travel calculations to eliminate stutter travel issues

  • Optimized the ad hoc report to run up to 80% faster

  • Allowed “Number of Cases” and “Number of Pallets” as KVI Entry options

  • Changed the employee search to allow for partial matches

  • Clarified report name text for employee master report

  • Redesigned the license information screen to provide more information in a clearer way

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.11-2019.1.12 – Release Date: July 6, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where observation widget would show a number instead of employee name

  • Resolved various issues with data related to the reports dashboard

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.10 – Release Date: June 18, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where schedule start times were not correctly populating the labor plan

  • Resolved several issues related to using ProTrack in Internet Explorer

  • Resolved issue with schedules that had no assignments on standard not creating correctly

  • Resolved time zone issues with the reports dashboard

  • Fixed exception handling for the daily inquiry screen

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.9 – Release Date: June 4, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where work schedule may not calculate correctly if first assignment time was adjusted

  • Resolved issue with facility layout causing error after screen refresh

  • Resolved issue involving calculating travel if all stops are nodes instead of locations

  • Created feature to allow Start Time punch to create work schedule

  • Improved loading speed of workbench widgets

  • Adjusted facility searches to no longer be case-sensitive

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.7-2019.1.8 – Release Date: May 5, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue where production board may not load correctly when system is running slowly

  • Omitted dashboards unavailable to the logged in user from the production board list


  • New Feature: Production Board
    • The production board feature allows users to view several dashboards created in the Business Intelligence tools in a continuous loop.  This allows continuous, up-to-date information to be viewed on a display anywhere in your facility, consistently displaying the information most relevant to your workflow.

Fixes and Updates

  • Various text fixes for report names

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.3-2019.1.4 – Release Date: April 2, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue with travel where new nodes created on facility layout map would not connect

  • Resolved issue with password migration when moving from 2018 to 2019 version of ProTrack

  • Resolved issue with sorting by total performance in daily inquiry screen

  • Resolved issue with assignments calculating travel with nodes that have since been deleted

  • Added standards configuration report to reports dashboard


  • Added “No Schedule” option to dropdown of schedule list in schedule screen

Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue with kiosk if screen was refreshed due to timeout error

  • Resolved issue with being unable to share reports

  • Resolved issue with import files in error not being properly moved to the error directory

  • Resolved issue with sorting by Total Performance when over 100%

  • Added more filtering options to increase functionality of reports dashboard

  • Various cross-site scripting fixes for increased security

ProTrack Warehouse 2019.1.1 – Release Date: January 17, 2020


Fixes and Updates

  • Resolved issue with Kiosk dropdowns filtering activities incorrectly

  • Added more filtering options to increase functionality of reports dashboard

  • Various text clarification fixes
