Supported Web Browsers
- Internet Explorer 9.0 and later
- Firefox 8.0 and later
New Features
Mobile Alerting App
ProTrack has gone mobile with alerts. Users can now be notified of new alerts and acknowledge them via the mobile app.
- Currently available on iOS phone systems. App can be downloaded from the iTunes store for free.
Time Clock
- Time Clock is a new functionality added to ProTrack. When enabled, it will allow true capture of start and end times for an employee’s day as well as the true start and end times of breaks and lunches.
- Management will have an option of using the true start/end times or rounding. For rounding time captures, a time frame can be specified and if the employee punches within that time frame, the punch will be rounded to the employee’s assigned scheduled times. If the employee punches outside of that time frame, then the true start/end times of the punch will be captured.
Updates to Existing Functionality
- Alerting can be used to automatically create Active Performance Management observation assignments notifying supervisors of any low performers which may require one-on-one coaching sessions.
- Mobile app can be used to inform subscribers of various activities within their facility as well as acknowledge alerts.
Assignments Inquiry
- Updated the screen to display more detailed information pertaining to the searched assignment.
- Added functionality to the screen to allow adding/deleting of adjustments to the searched assignment.
- Dashboard has been broken up into three categories: Performance, Volumetric, and Analytics.
- Fully customizable allowing the user to select what information will be presented and how that information will be displayed.
- Each user can configure their dashboard and save it. The next time the user pulls up the dashboard, it will display their customized configuration.
- Previously, an incentive plan was created that took into account all standard direct activities in an employee’s day and applied a payout scale based on the performance. Now the incentive engine has been enhanced to allow multiple incentive plans to be created looking at individual or numerous activities and applying a payout scale to each plan.
- Incentive plans can be created using Home vs Non-Home activities. This option can provide varying payout scales if the standard activity has been configured as a Home Activity for the employee.
- Added a new functionality where the last 4 review periods of an incentive plan can be reprocessed through the UI.
Kiosk Sign In/Out
- Added a feature to the kiosk which will allow employees to punch in for the day if there is no work schedule created yet. Must be enabled on the Configuration > Facility screen to be effective.
- Management will have an option of using the true start/end times or rounding, just like the Time Clock feature (refer to part b under New Features).
KVI Entry
- Updated the KVI Entry screen for a better work flow when creating a new assignment.
- Multiple task lines can now be entered at once through the popup screen instead of one by one (mimicking the kiosk KVI entry).
- Opening up an existing assignment will change the Create Task button to Show Tasks.
- Updated the search capabilities of the screens under the Monitor menu for ease of use.
- Added a Refresh button that will resend the search filters and refresh the listed results.
- Graphical reports running the Crystal Reporting engine has been sunset and will no longer be available.
- Breaks and lunches that fall before the TA SOD within an employee’s day can be deleted if configured properly.
Schedule/Schedule Group
- Newly created schedules and schedule groups will have default effective dates of 1/1/1990.
- When a new employee is assigned to a schedule group through the Employee screen, the first assigned schedule group will have the same effective date as the date of hire.
Bug Fixes
- (SUP-2204) Fixed the issue where an employee can sign into Start of Shift and End of Shift from the kiosk.
- Fixed the issue with employee update where show performance field was overwritten in employee update even when it was sent blank in the update file.
- Fixed the issue of creating a new schedule variant on change of effective or expiration date.
- Fixed the validation for special characters on the System Config screen.
- Fixed search popups on the Monitor tab to allow the calendar to be fully displayed.