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  1. Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select Facility Layout under the Standards menu. The Maintain Facility Layout screen appears.
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    Fig.1 Maintain Facility Layout

    Maintain Facility Layout Tabs



    Manage Floor

    Displays components tied to a specific floor.

    Manage Travel Path

    Displays components tied to travel between floors.


    Publishes any Facility Layout changes so Travel Calculations can be performed


    Used for deleting and generating Node Cache and Location Cache.

    Table 1. Maintain Facility Layout Tab Descriptions


  1. Select a radio button to the left of the component.
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    Fig.2 Maintain Facility Layout - Searching XYZs

  2. To narrow the search results, select from the drop down list to filter the data based on the selected item. For example, segment was the selected component and additional filter was applied to only display segments that are on the aisle path '1WHSUS44-FLR1-0301'.
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    Fig.3 Maintain Facility Layout - Filtered Search 

    • There are four additional filter criteria:
      • Facility - search for components in selected facility.
      • X Coordinate - search for locations with specified X coordinate.
      • Y Coordinate - search for locations with specified Y coordinate.
      • Level ID - search for locations containing the specified level identifier.
    • X Coordinate, Y Coordinate, and Level ID pertain only to Locations, these filter options are only enabled when Location is selected as the component to view.

  3. Click  to display the matching results below.
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    Fig.4 Maintain Facility Layout - Search Results

    • Each of the four searchable components' columns are hyper-linked results. If clicked, a popup will appear displaying the complete details of the selected component.

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    Fig.5 Maintain Facility Layout - Complete Details


Exporting is helpful in maintaining XYZ components within ProTrack Warehouse. It is also used to delete old locations, segments, or aisle paths that are no longer used due to warehouse changes.To set the Current Export Location:


Select a file located within that folder.

  • If there are no files located in the folder, you can right click within the popup and create a new document. Once it is created, select the file.



To Export/Delete XYZs:

  1. Filter and search for the XYZ component that will be deleted.
  2. Select the check box to the left the record(s).
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    Fig.7 8 Exporting XYZs

  3. Click  and the selected record(s) will be deleted from ProTrack Warehouse.

    • When exporting aisles, all XYZ components (segment and locations) associated to that aisle will also be exported in separate files.
    • When exporting segments, all locations associated to that segment will also be exported in a separate file.

  4. A file will be created in the export location that contains the record(s) deleted in the previous step.
  5. Either update the record(s) using the new specifications and import the file or delete the file if the record(s) are no longer needed.


  1. Select 'Manage Travel Path' tab on the Maintain Facility Layout screen.
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    Fig.8 Maintain Facility Layout - Travel Path

  2. Select from the drop down list to filter the data based on the selected item and/or type values for any of the X, Y fields.
  3. Click  to display the matching results below.

    • Each of the three searchable components' columns are hyper-linked results. If clicked, a popup will appear displaying the complete details of the selected component.


  1. Clicking the Publish tab will bring up a list of facilities, and their publishing status.


    Once all changes are made to the Facility Layout, they must be published before Travel Calculations can be made on them.

    Failing to publish an updated Facility Layout can result in inaccurate travel calculations, or assignments stuck in a TVL status.

  2. Click the Publish button on any facilities that need to be published.  This will update the Facility Layout for travel calculation.

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