Versions Compared


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CURRENT VERSION 2013Q42014.1.0, PRIOR RELEASE: 2013Q2 2013Q4.20.3

Supported Web Browsers
  • Internet Explorer 9.0 and later
  • Firefox 10.0 and later

New Features

Control Screen
  1. This new feature, Control Screen, provides the management team visibility to assign work and maintain employees in a central location. Work order(s) can be created for each kiosk machine on the Control Screen. Employee(s) can be selected and dragged to each work order and either the standard direct and/or indirect activity will be automatically started. Delays can also be added to each employee using the Control Screen. As employee(s) are moved from one work order to another, it will automatically end the activity the employee was working and begin the new activity. Once the activity has been completed and the KVI values have been entered, ProTrack will calculate the standard and distribute the times to each employee.
  2. Once completed, the performance % will be displayed along with how many employee(s) were assigned to the standard direct activity of the work order.
Kiosk Config
  1. Kiosk Machines can be created and tied to a line and room number which can be referred to for reporting. These kiosk machines will then be used to log into ProTrack using a terminal out on the floor. Employees will be able to sign in and out of work order(s) tied to that Kiosk Machine if the supervisor is unable to make the changes through the Control Screen.
Missing Time Attedance
  1. Added new screen under the Monitor menu which will list any work schedule that is missing Start of Shift and/or End of Shift time & attendance punches.
Team Config
  1. Team Config is a new functionality that allows grouping of multiple employees into a team. A list of unassigned employees will be displayed from which employee(s) can be selected and dragged to form the Team. Once teams have been configured, they can be assigned to a work order via Control Screen. Employee(s) who are configured to the team will start the activity and the times will be captured automatically.
Work Order Attributes
  1. Attributes can be created, such as Job Number, SKU, etc., which will be applied to work orders. As work orders are created, the user will be prompted to enter values for these attributes as they apply. These attributes can then be used as filters for reporting purposes.

Updates to Existing Functionality

Assignments Inquiry
  1. Updated to allow searching of Work Orders. When a Work Order is searched, all activities tied to the work order including standard direct, indirects, delays, break and lunches will be displayed along with their statuses. Adjustments can be added for a single or multiple employees via Assignments Inquiry screen. Alternatively, adjustments as well as assignments can be deleted from a work order using this screen.
Kiosk Production
  1. Kiosk has been updated to allow employees to create new work orders as well as work them through the screen. The employee will be prompted to enter any work order attributes and select which activity they would like to associate to the work order.
  1. Each employee can have the Show Control Screen enabled which will allow that employee to see the Control Screen if they are logged into a kiosk machine instead of their account.
  2. A facility can be configured to allow either single or multiple standard direct activities for a work order.
  3. Activities can be marked as Manufacturing. When this is enabled for an activity, only these activities will be listed as workable activities within the Control Screen and Kiosk.
  4. Added a system configuration FAMILY_DESCRIPTION that is used for reference any time the word Work Order is displayed.
WMS Import
  1. Increased the number of User Defined Alphanumeric fields to 50.
  2. Increased the number of User Defined Numeric fields to 50.
  3. Added various fields that are tied to Manufacturing (i.e. work order ID).

Bug Fixes

Warehouse Dashboard
  • Updated Dashboard Header to include navigation to different levels of data
    Image Added
    • Each has Performance, Analytics, and Volumetrics dashboards with the data at that particular level:
      • Corporate
      • Business Unit
      • Region
      • Facility
      • Tasking Group
      • Activity Group
      • Activity
    • Updated look and feel for cleaner differentiation between levels
      • Level that is currently being viewed is highlighted in blue
      • Other levels not being viewed are in gray
      • Date range can be modified from the header
  • Added filters to make it easier to narrow down the data being viewed, both at the data levels and date range
  • Added the following new dashboard components
  • Revised components
  • Added the ability to configure target metrics
    • Productivity
    • Utilization
    • Total Performance is then calculated
  • Added the ability to configure baseline time frame
    • Enter a start date
    • Enter a time period in weeks from the start date
    • Can use actual wage rates, but also fall back on an defined average
  • Savings is calculated from the difference between baseline metrics and current period metrics
    • Savings is captured on a daily basis and stored in the database with associated metadata
    • Calculations as follows:
      • Paid Hours = Total Hours - Break/Lunch Hours
      • Baseline Hours = (Current Period Standard Hours) / (Baseline Utilization * (Baseline Productivity + 1))
      • Target Hours = (Current Period Standard Hours) / (Target Utilization * (Target Productivity + 1))
      • Average Wage Rate = (Paid Hours * Wage Rate) / (Sum(Paid Hours))
      • Savings = (Baseline Hours - Paid Hours) X Average Wage Rate
      • Lost Savings = (Paid Hours - Target Hours) X Average Wage Rate
      • Cumulative Savings is the sum of all savings up to the current period
      • Cumulative Lost Savings is the sum of all lost savings up to the current periodImage Added


  • Added the ability to add regions to ProTrack
  • Can select facilities to be a part of regions
  • Can be used on the Dashboard for filtering and groupings


Business Unit
  • Added the ability to add business units to ProTrack

  • Can select regions to be a part of business units

  • Can be used on the Dashboard for filtering and groupings


Updates to Existing Functionality


Facility Layout
  • Updated the Caching tab to allow purging of nodes for the selected floor (the same floor that will generate the node cache)
  • Fixed an issue where the status of an employee couldn't be updated on the Work Info tab of the Employee screen
    • Before saving an existing employee, the employee status sent from the UI was reset with the value in the system
    • This was causing the new status selected by user to be lost
    • The code to reset the status with the system status in the database was removed
  • Fixed an issue where employees were unable to be deleted
    • The delete code was not referring to the correct property for getting the employees to be deleted

    • It was always getting an empty list and hence no employee was being deleted

    • If employee has worked on assignments then employee is not deleted and a proper message is shown to the user
    • Added the logic to delete an employee and its dependent tables for employees who have never worked on an assignment
  • Fixed an issue where ProTrack would throw an error when entering an alpha character in the Pay Rate field
Daily Inquiry
  • Fixed an issue where the header of the Daily Inquiry screen was taking disapproved breaks into account in the Delay total
  • Fixed an issue where the Trip Audit Summary launched from the Daily Inquiry wasn't grouping determinants correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Undo button on the kiosk would physically delete an assignment
    • Changed the Undo logic to put the child assignment in DEL status instead of physically deleting it from the system
  • Fixed an issue where group assignments weren't working correctly in the kiosk
    • The code to update the assignment task start time after creating and starting a group assignment was incorrect
    • Corrected the call to updating the assignment task's start time
Active Performance Management
  • Fixed an issue where observations have a source value of NULL
    • Changed the default source of observations to "Manual" in the Create New Observation popup on the Observation monitor
  • Removed the Generate Observations screen
    • This removes the ability to generate bulk observations
  • Fixed an issue on Advanced Performance Management reports where the facility ID was being fetched from the wrong table
    • Facility ID field was removed from ap_observations
    • Changed the query to get facility ID from employee and not from ap_observations
  • Fixed issues with the Total D Performance By Activity Summary and Total D Trendline reports
    • Added the ability to query a range of dates
    • Added the ability to use on screen filters
    • Added the ability to open Summary or Detail

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue of 1 hour discrepancy between the observations on the ProTrack version and the pdf version
  • Fixed the issue of break not accounted in the direct assignment
  • Fixed the issue of improper slotting of breaks
  • Fixed the issue of changing the status of an employee 
  • Fixed the APM reports to fetch facility id from employee and not from ap_observations
  • Fixed the slider issue for APM on iPad
  • Fixed the issue of disapproved delay not counted in calculating the delay time
  • Fixed the issue of deleting the child assignment 
  • Fixed the issue of deleting employees from ProTrack
  • Fixed the issue of source of observation having 'manual' as the default value
  • Fixed the issue of assigning employees to activities in Labor Plan
  • Fixed an issue in the trip audit summary report where it was not grouping determinants to give a total time spent in each determinant
  • Fixed the issue of grouped assignments not having a non adjusted standard time in the Daily Inquiry screen
  • Fixed the issue of Incentive Report not using the same date range as other reports
  • Fixed the Total D Performance By Activity Summary report to allow filtering by all the filter criteria
  • Fixed the Total D Performance By Activity Summary report to allow sub-total / total at "Facility,Activity" or "Facility, Activity, Employee"
  • Fixed the Total D Performance By Activity Summary report to allow a "To" date range to see a range of days
  • Fixed the issue of grouped assignments not having a non adjusted standard time in the Daily Inquiry screen




  • N/A