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- Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
Select Time Clock under the Kiosk menu. The Time Clock screen appears.
Fig.1 Time ClockInfo title Info - Time Clock function must be added to the user's role for the sub menu to appear.
- Click on Facility under the Configuration menu.
- Search for the facility that will be using the Time Clock functions (refer to Facility).
Click on Settings tab.
Fig.2 Time Clock - ConfigurationField Description Actual Time Captures true start and end times for the Clock In, Breaks, Lunch, and Clock Out punches. Round Time Punches that fall within the configured buffer duration will get rounded to the assigned schedule. Before Mins Buffer duration before an assigned schedule of the Clock In and Clock Out punches. If the punch falls within this buffer duration, then the punch will be rounded to the assigned schedule time. After Mins Buffer duration after an assigned schedule of the Clock In and Clock Out punches. If the punch falls within this buffer duration, then the punch will be rounded to the assigned schedule time. Require Return Punch after Break If enabled, the employee will be required to come back to the Time Clock and press the Return Break button to end the break. By default, this option is disabled which will automatically end the break for the employee by using the duration found in the assigned schedule. Require Return Punch after Lunch If enabled, the employee will be required to come back to the Time Clock and press the Return Lunch button to end the lunch. By default, this option is disabled which will automatically end the lunch for the employee by using the duration found in the assigned schedule. Table 1. Time Clock Settings
- Select the check box to the left of Time Clock to enable it.
Now select either Actual or Round Time.
- If round time, then enter the Before and After Mins and select whether or not the employee will be required to punch back in after a break and/or lunch.
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