Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Line Down Entry screen allows the supervisor and managers to create, edit, and maintain line down delays that may occur due to missing components, equipment downtime, etc.

To access the Line Down Entry screen:

  1. Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select Line Down Entry under the Operations menu. The Line Down Entry screen appears.

    Image Added
    Fig.1 Line Down Entry

Searching for Line Down Entries
  1. Enter search criteria to narrow down the list of line downs.

    Work OrderEnter work order to list all line down(s) that have occurred for the order.
    Facility IDSelect facility ID from the drop down list to list all line down(s) that have occurred for the selected facility.
    Sort BySelect which column and either ascending or descending order that the line downs will be displayed in the Search Results section.
    From/To DatesEnter the From and To dates to list all line down(s) that have occurred within the specified date range.
    Active Line DownsEnabling this check box will list active line down(s).



  2. Click Image Added and the matching line down entries will be displayed in the Search Results section.

    Image Added
    Fig.2 Line Down Entry - Searching

  3. Clicking Image Added will return the default values into the search criteria fields. 

Adding Line Down Entry
  1. Click Image Added and a new row will appear in the Search Results section.

    Image Added
    Fig.3 Line Down Entry - Adding Line Down
  2. Fill in the Work Order, Line, Start and EndTimes, and a Reason for the line down. Duration will be automatically populated based on the Start and End time values.
  3. Once the fields have been entered, click Image Added.
Editing Line Down Entry
  1. Search for the line down entry that will be updated.
  2. Once the record is displayed in the Search Results section, make any necessary changes to the row.
  3. Click Image Added and the changes will be accepted.
Deleting Line Down Entry.
  1. Search for the line down entry(s) that will be deleted.
  2. Select the check box to the left of the work order.
  3. Click Image Added and the record will be removed from the work order.