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Table of Contents

Reports/Dashboard menu will be displayed as Dashboard if the installation has Dashboard license else it will be displayed as Reports

  • Individual Reports/Dashboards access can be controlled from Security Screen
  • Reports will always be displayed as view only reports.
  • Dashboards can be view only or editable depending on user's access rights.

What is the dashboard?

The dashboard is a powerful tool that allows users to utilize an advanced data analytics engine to visualize and trill into ProTrack's labor management data.  The Business Intelligence (BI Pro) tool requires no technical knowledge to create data visualizations which can be easily filtered and explored.  By default, there are several included dashboards which cover many of the most common labor management KPIs.  Users can duplicate, extend, and customize these dashboards to cover additional reporting needs.  Additional dashboards can also be created from scratch as dictated by business needs.

Accessing the Dashboard

  1. Log into ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. From the top menu, select Reports → Dashboard

Dashboard Features


The Analytics tab contains all of the Dashboards that have been created by, or shared with, the logged in user.  Choosing a dashboard from the left-hand menu loads the dashboard in the middle pane.  The right panel contains a list of filters that can be applied to all widgets on the currently selected dashboard to see data for a specific date range, set of facilities, group of employees, etc.


By default, several dashboards have been created with most of the commonly used labor management KPIs in mind.

Dashboard NameDescription


The Coaching Dashboard contains several metrics related to observations. 
Summary widgets include Completed and Pending Observations, and Performance for Observed Assignments.
Graphic widgets include data filtered by observing supervisor, activities, and overdue observations.

Daily AnalyticsThe Daily Analytics Dashboard includes most information a supervisor would want to view on a daily basis.
Widgets related to Performance, Utilization, and Volumetrics are found here.
Executive SummaryThe Executive Summary Dashboard contains several charts and graphs which allow executives to track
cost and performance metrics across multiple facilities at a glance, all in one place.
Hours AnalysisThe Hours Analysis Dashboard allows visibility into the numbers of hours behind or ahead of standard.
Graphs and charts on this report break this information down by Activity and Employee.
Manager SummaryThe Manager Summary Dashboard tracks performance and utilization metrics across multiple facilities,
further broken down by supervisor and employee. This Dashboard also includes performance trends and
SavingsThe Savings dashboard shows the amount of actual dollars saved by tracking and improving the performance
of your employees, based on the difference in performance from when the software was first implemented.
Widgets include data broken down by week, month, and facility.


What is Pulse?

Your pulse is a centralized location where you can stay on top of your most important KPIs across multiple dashboards, and manage your data alerts.

You can consolidate and monitor important aspects of your business by adding important values from various dashboards to the Pulse page.

Image Added

Adding a tile to your Pulse

Widgets with single values can be added to your pulse by hitting the 3 dots in the upper-right corner of the widget.

Image AddedImage Added

Alerting can be set for each widget individually as they are added to pulse.  There are three ways this alerting can be set up:

  • Threshold – Once a value rises above/falls below a certain number, an Alert will be generated
  • Automatic – Pulse will automatically check for variations from the normal, and send an Alert when an abnormal value is detected.
  • Always – An Alert will be generated each time the cube rebuilds, regardless if there is a change in your data or not.

The Advanced button allows you to customize the filters on the Pulse, and where Alerts will be sent when they are generated.


Clicking on Image Added will show the notifications.  Alerts generated by Pulse widgets will appear here.

Image Added

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  Anchordashboard graphdashboard graphSelecting Different Chart Types
  • Choose which widget will be modified and right click on the chart.
  • From the popup menu, select which Chart Type will be used to display the data. 
  • The chart will refresh and display the info based on the newly selected chart type.

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      Anchordashboard newdashboard newCreating A New Dashboard

    You have the ability to create your own dashboard if you do not like the 4 dashboards that come out of the box from installation.

  • Click on the plus symbol at the top.
  • A blank dashboard will be created.
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  • Add the widgets that you want to see on your new dashboard.
  • Once it has been configured, click the Save icon on the left side of the screen.
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    On the popup screen, move up a directory by clicking on the up arrow.
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  • Click on Public Reports and then Dashboard.
  • Enter the name of your new dashboard in the File Name field.
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  • Click Ok.
  • Anchordashboard add widgetdashboard add widgetAdding A WidgetSelect the double arrows in the top left of the screen.
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  • Open up the Public Components directory by clicking on the arrow to the left of it.
  • Then open up the Dashboard directory by clicking on the arrow. This directory will list all the available widgets that are included with the dashboard.
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  • Scroll through the list and find the widget you want to add to the dashboard.
  • Click and drag that widget from the list into the dashboard area.
  • If there is any data tied to that widget, the graph will populate with information.
  • Anchordashboard remove widgetdashboard remove widgetRemoving A Widget
  • Find the widget that you want to remove from the dashboard.
  • Hover your mouse in the top right corner of the widget. Two options will appear.
  • Click on the left button for more options.
  • Select Delete from the drop down list.
    Image Removed  Anchordashboard datedashboard dateChanging Date Range & Filters On The Dashboard

    By changing the date range and the filters on the dashboard, all the widgets within that dashboard will update to the selected values.

    Click on the parameter icon on the left side of the screen.
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  • Click on the calendar icon to the right of the From Date.
  • You can select a specific date using the calendar or you can select a template to search for dates.
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  • Click Ok.
  • Repeat steps 2-4 for the To Date.
  • To apply filters, click the ellipsis icon (...) to the right of the filter.
  • Uncheck the All option at the bottom of the popup.
  • Highlight all the values you want to add as a filter and click the arrow pointing to the right.
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  • Click Ok.
  • Then click Submit.
  • All the widgets on the dashboard will update to the newly selected values.
  • Anchordashboard widget datedashboard widget dateChanging Date Range & Filters On A Widget

    Alternatively, you can change the date range and filters on a single widget instead of the entire dashboard.

  • Hover your mouse in the top right corner of the widget.
  • Click on the left button for more options.
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  • Select Edit Setting from the drop down list.
  • Add any filters and change the dates as needed.
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  • Click Ok.
  • That widget will update based on the newly selected values.
  • Anchordashboard defaultsdashboard defaultsSetting Dashboard As Defaults

    You can specify which dashboard you would like to see as a default when you open up the dashboard.

  • Select System from the Configuration drop down menu.
  • Search for the property name Dashboard_1.
  • Update the value from Performance to the name of your dashboard.
  • Click on the check box to the left of the property name.
  • Click Save.
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