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List of Values Screen The Lists screen in ProTrack Warehouse is used to add, edit, and delete values to configurable List of Values (LOVs) such as Departure Reason, Discipline Reason, Source of Hire, Incentive Accrual and Incentive Reason.
Anchor_Toc133051384_Toc133051384 Anchor_Accessing_the_List_Accessing_the_ListAccessing the List of Values
The options in the List of Values screen are available depending on the user privileges. This screen helps to add, edit and delete values in the system based on the selected List Name field

To access the


Lists screen:

  1. Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select the Lists tab under the maintenance Maintenance menu. The List of Values screen appears.


  1. image


  1. imageLoV.jpg


  1. List of Values



Adding New List of Values

To add a new value:

  1. Access the List of Values screen (Refer Accessing the List of Values)
  2. Select the appropriate option from the List Name field Select a List Name from the drop down list for which values needs need to be added.
  3. Click on the'*Add' link. A new row is created in the 'List of Values' Section. Add the value required in the Value Column of the 'List of Values' Section.


  1. image


  1. imageLoV Add.jpg


  1. List of Values - Add


    1. Click Save to save the entry just made.




Select the option for which values need to be inserted, edited or deleted


  1. Value

  2. Type a value.
  3. Click on the 'Add' link to add more values to the list.
  4. Click Image Added to save the list of values.

    imageLoV Lists.jpg
    titleFig.322 List of Values

Viewing & Editing Lists


To view and edit the Values:

  1. Access Select the List Screen.Select the appropriate option from the List Name field for which values need Name from the drop down list that needs to be edited.
  2. Edit the field as required under the Values field in the 'List of Values' section and click Save Values as required.
  3. Click Image Added to save the changes.




Delete Values

Values assigned to Configurable LOVs can be deleted from the 'List of Values' Section.
To delete the Values:

  1. Select appropriate the List Name from the drop down list for which values needs to be deleted. Lists of all values present are displayed in the 'List of Values' Section.
  2. Select the values in the 'List of Values' section by selecting the Delete check box of each value that needs to be deletednext to values.


  1. image


  1. imageLoV Delete.jpg


  1. List of Values -


  1. Deleting Values

  2. Click Save, Image Added and the selected values are deleted.