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  1. Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select the Employees tab under the Employee menu. The Maintain Employee screen appears.

    imageMaintain Emps.jpg
    titleFig.101 123 Maintain Employee

    • Bolded fields are mandatory when adding new employees to ProTrack Warehouse.

    Maintain Employee Tabs



    Personal Info

    Displays personal details of the employee.

    Work Info

    Displays work related details of the employee.


    Displays the schedule group(s) assigned to the employee.

    Learning Curve

    Displays any learning curve(s) assigned to the employee.


    Displays notes about the employee.

    Table 1618. Maintain Employee Tab Descriptions


imagePersonal Info.jpg
titleFig.102 124 Maintain Employee - Personal Info




First Name

Type the employee's First Name.

Last Name

Type the employee's Last Name.

Employee ID

Type the employee's WMS ID, which is alphanumeric. Must match the ID in the WMS transaction feeds exactly.

Time & Attendance ID

Type the Time and Attendance ID, which is a unique ID to identify the user with a time and attendance system.
Must match the ID in the Time and Attendance feeds exactly.

Payroll ID

Type the alphanumeric Payroll ID to identify the user to a payroll system.

Alternate ID

Type the alphanumeric Alternate ID. This ID can appear on reports in place of the employee name or employee ID.

Telephone 1

Type the employee's telephone number.

Telephone 2

Type the employee's alternate telephone number.


Type the email address to which company correspondence may be sent in the future.

Address Line 1

Type the first line address of the employee.

Address Line 2

Type the second line address of the employee.


Type the city of the employee.

Zip Code

Type the Zip code of the city.


Select the country of the employee.


Select the name of the state.

ProTrack User ID

Type the employee's ProTrack Login ID.

ProTrack Password

Type the employee's ProTrack Login Password.

Confirm ProTrack Password

Type the same characters as entered in ProTrack Password field.

Table 1719. Personal Info Descriptions


imageWork Info.jpg
titleFig.103 125 Maintain Employee - Work Info





Select the employee's status: Active, Inactive, Temporary, or Terminated

Pay Rate

Type the Pay Rate for the employee. It is used for incentives calculations and report based on cost.

Social Security Number

Type the employee's social security number.

Date of Hire

Select the date which the employee was hired by clicking .

Source of Hire

Select the source for the hire from the drop down menu list.

Effective Date

Select the date which the employee will be effective in PTW. Must be at least one-day after the Date of Hire by clicking .

Termination Date

Select the employee's date of termination by clicking .

Departure Reason

Select the reason for terminating the employee from the list.

Home Facility

Select the employee's home facility from the drop down list.


Select the employee's role by clicking .


Select which department the employee belongs to by clicking .


Select employee's supervisor by clicking .

Assign Home Activity

Select the home activities the employee belongs to and click the 'Add' arrow.

Home Zone

Select the home zone the employee belongs to from the drop down list.

Home Microzone

Select the home microzone the employee belongs to from the drop down list.

Grouping Assignment

Select the check box to allow the employee to group assignments through the Kiosk screen.

Show Performance

Select the check box to enable the employee's total information to be displayed on the Kiosk screen.

Show Standard

Select the check box to enable the employee's standards information to be displayed on the Kiosk screen.

Table 1820. Work Info Descriptions



  1. Click the Schedule tab. Refer to the ProTrack Warehouse Configuration Manual for information on setting up Schedule Groups.
  2. Click and a record appears.

    imageES Add.jpg
    titleFig.105 126 Maintain Employee - Adding A Schedule Group

  3. Click to bring up a popup window and select a Schedule Group the employee belongs to.

    imageES Groups.jpg
    titleFig.106 127 Maintain Employee - Select Schedule Group

  4. Select the Schedule Group from the list and the popup window will close.
  5. Click to select the effective date for the group.

    imageES Config.jpg
    titleFig.107 128 Maintain Employee - Set Schedule Group Effective Date

    • The expiration date will automatically set to a date far in the future. This is to ensure the employee will always be assigned to a Schedule Group.
    • You can add additional Schedule Groups as desired. As each new Schedule Group is added, the previous Schedule Group's expiration date is updated to the new group's effective date.


  1. Click on the Learning Curve tab. This screen lists all of the Learning Curves to which the employee is assigned, the date on which the employee started on the Learning Curve, and the current Standard Time Adjustment Percentage (STAP) the employee is receiving.

    imageES LC.jpg
    titleFig.108 129 Maintain Employee - Assigned Learning Curves

  2. To add additional Learning Curve(s), click "Select Learning Curve" link.

    imageES Add LC.jpg
    titleFig.109 130 Maintain Employee - Add Learning Curve(s)

  3. Select which Learning Curve(s) to apply from the popup window.
  4. Click to apply the Learning Curve(s).
  5. To view the historical progression the employee has made on a Learning Curve, click next to the Learning Curve.

    imageELC Steps.jpg
    titleFig.110 131 Maintain Employee - Learning Curve Progression Details


  1. Click on the Notes tab display any notes about the employee.

    titleFig.111 132 Maintain Employee - Notes

  2. To add notes, enter the details in the text area provided and click .
  3. To view employee's notes, click on the corresponding Employee Notes and the details will be displayed in the Notes text area.
  4. To delete notes, select the check box to the left of the note and click .
