Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Enter an Equipment Type Name, which can be alphanumeric.
  2. Enter a unique Equipment Type ID, which can be alphanumeric.

    Fig.2 Maintain Equipment - Adding New Equipment

    Maintain Equipment Field Descriptions



    Equipment Type Name

    Type the equipment name, which can be alphanumeric.

    Equipment Type ID

    Type a unique equipment ID, which can be alphanumeric.

    Equipment Make

    Type the details of the manufacturer.

    Manufacture Date

    Select the date of manufacture.

    Equipment Model

    Type the description for equipment model.

    Initial Cost

    Enter the cost of the equipment in USD.

    Schedule Maintenance

    Select a date for servicing.


    Type any additional information, if any.

    Equipment Access RuleSelect which Equipment Access Rule to apply to this equipment, if any.
    Max Dolphin Distance

    Maximum distance (in feet) between locations in the same aisle to allow dolphining.
    Leave blank to disable Dolphining for this equipment.
    Set to 0 to allow Dolphining for an entire aisle.

    One WaySelect if the equipment will respect the one-way rules of the Facility Layout.
    Leave unchecked for the equipment to ignore one-way rules (e.g. if Walking is allowed in both directions)

    Table 2. Maintain Equipment Field Descriptions

    • Fields that are in bold are mandatory, all other fields are optional.
    • Click to enter dates for the Manufacture Date and Schedule Maintenance.
    • The Equipment ID must match what is being sent in the WMS file.


    When picking from elevated spots within the same aisle, the employee may not return to the floor between picks and instead move directly from one elevated location to another. We call this method of picking "Dolphining."

    • Without dolphining, travel time will be credited for returning to the floor, moving to the next location, then raising back into the air.
    • With dolphining, the travel is calculated directly from one location to another, while remaining in the air.

    Setting a Max Dolphin Distance allows control over how far an employee is able to travel without returning to the floor for the purposes of travel calculation.

    • Dolphining calculations will only be used within the same aisle.
    • Dolphining distance can be customized for individual pieces of equipment.

  3. Click on the 'Speed Break' tab.

    Fig.3 Maintain Equipment - Speed Break

  4. To set a default horizontal and vertical speeds, enter the speeds in each field accordingly.

    Fig.4 Maintain Equipment - Default Speed Breaks

    • If default speed breaks are entered then you cannot enter multiple speed breaks and the 'Add Speed' links are unavailable.
    • Vertical speeds must be in minutes per inch and Horizontal speeds must be in minutes per foot.

  5. To set multiple horizontal and vertical speed breaks, click the 'Add Speed' link in the 'Vertical Speed' section of the table. 'Add Vertical Distance' popup appears.

    Fig.5 Maintain Equipment - Add Speed

    Fig.6 Maintain Equipment - Add Vertical Distance

  6. Type the Upper Distance and Vertical Speed. Click  to add the speed break.
  7. Repeat until all speed breaks have been entered.

    • Lower Distance will be greyed out as it uses the upper distance from the previous vertical speed break. This is done to avoid any overlapping of the speed breaks.
    • Always enter the Upper Distance greater than the Lower Distance.

    Fig.7 Maintain Equipment - Vertical Speed Breaks

  8. Click the 'Add Speed' link in the 'Horizontal Speed' section of the table. 'Add Horiztonal Distance' popup appears.
  9. Type the Upper Distance and Horizontal Speed. Click  to add the speed break.
  10. Repeat until all speed breaks have been entered.

  11. Click on the 'Threshold' tab to set thresholds to the equipment type. Thresholds are used to trigger a re-trip within an assignment.

    Fig.8 Maintain Equipment - Threshold

  12. Type threshold values for Lines, Units, Weight, and/or Volume. The re-trip will be triggered based on which criteria is fulfilled first.
  13. Click  and the equipment will be created.
