Documentation for ProTrackWarehouse 2017.1.

ProTrack has the ability to shrink breaks, lunches, and/or delays to prevent them from remaining in ERR status if there is no worked assignment large enough to accept them. Alternatively, breaks and lunches can be split into smaller amounts of time and applied to worked assignments in order to apply the full duration of the break and/or lunch to the employee's day. There is an additional option to delete any breaks or lunches that fall after the TA End of Shift from an employee's day. These functions were added to reduce the need for manual removal of breaks, lunches, and delays in ERR status from each employee's day. 

Rules for Shrinking/Splitting of Breaks, Lunches, & Delays:

  1. Only one option can be enabled at a time: Shrinking or Splitting
  2. Delays cannot be split.

To enable shrinking or splitting:

  1. Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select System under the Configuration menu. The System Configuration screen appears. (Refer to System when making changes to the listed properties.)

    Fig.1 System Configuration

System Configuration Field Description

Proper NameProperty ValueDescription
ADJ_DELETE_FLAG'Y' or 'N'Enable/Disable breaks and lunches to be deleted if the end times fall after the TA End of Shift assignment. Requires EOD to be TA sourced.
ADJ_MINSHRINK_DURMINNumericMinimum shrink-able duration of a break, lunch, or delay. If all worked assignments are less than this value, then the break, lunch, or delay will not shrink and will remain in ERR status. Attempted shrinking of the assignment will only occur whenever RESHUFFLE is initiated through WMS and TA importing, or manual re-calc of the DI.
ADJ_SHRINK_BKL_FLAG'Y' or 'N'Enable/Disable Employee Scheduled (ES) breaks and lunches to shrink the duration of the break or lunch when it exceeds the duration of the worked assignment. The ReSlotting of the Breaks and Lunches are disabled when "Y" is chosen.
ADJ_SHRINK_DEL_FLAG'Y' or 'N'Enable/Disable delays to shrink the duration of the a delay when it exceeds the duration of the worked assignment.
ADJ_SPLIT_FLAG'Y' or 'N'Enable/Disable splitting of breaks and lunches into smaller amounts of time in order to append to worked assignments. This option will create multiple breaks or lunches with durations one second less than the associated worked assignment.




  • When breaks, lunches, or delays are shrunk, they will have a length of the associated worked assignment duration minus 1 second.
  • When breaks or lunches are split, the splits will have lengths of the associated worked assignment duration minus 1 second. Also, the sum of all the break splits or lunch splits will equal the full duration of the break or lunch as if it were applied as a whole.




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