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Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 7.6.
When an employee is assigned to a Schedule that differs vastly from the actual hours they worked, it's possible that some assignments may have been associated to the wrong work schedule when the WMS files were imported. These situations are easily identified using the Weekly View on the Daily Inquiry screen as the yellow and blue bars will not match up at all. These assignments can be manually transferred to their proper work schedule using a similar approach taken when editing the Schedule's End Time.
In the following screenshot, on 1/10/11 the employee was scheduled to work a 12:30 PM to 1:30 AM shift (as illustrated in the yellow bar). However, the blue bars (representing the actual worked schedule) look strange; the employee's actual work schedules are stretched end-to-end, which indicate that there were assignments occurring during that time when the employee was not scheduled to be working.
Fig.32 Daily Inquiry - Employee Assigned to Incorrect Schedule
This single work schedule contains assignments that should have been split between two work schedules. Scrolling downward to look at the individual assignments reveals this to be obviously true:
Fig.33 Large Gap Between Assignments
To correct this, we want to associate all assignments (up to and including the one ending at 7:45 AM) to the previous day. This is accomplished by editing the end time of the previous day's schedule to sometime after 7:45 AM (perhaps the employee went home at 8:00 AM) and selecting the Assignment Transfer option. Click on the date who's work schedule you want to edit (in this example 1/9/11). Now, viewing the Daily Inquiry for this date, click on the blue bar to edit its Schedule Times.
Fig.34 Edit Schedule – Transfer Assignments by Specifying a New Schedule End Time
On the right side, enter the correct Schedule End Time (when the employee clocked out), select the second radio button "Transfer Assignments", and click
. The Schedule End Time will be changed to the specified time, and any assignments ending after this specified Schedule End Time will be transferred to the adjacent work schedule. Behind the scenes, ProTrack Warehouse re-derives the buffer split time (between the two work schedules) based on the specified end time.Upon saving this Schedule, the next day's (in this example, Monday) Schedule Start Time will most likely adjust to a much later time. It will snap forward in time to when the actual first assignment of the Monday shift occurred. This is evident as the blue bar for Monday 1/10/11 is much shorter and starts at 9:51 PM now.
Fig.35 Worked 1/9/11 Schedule – After Editing End Time & Transferring Assignments
Now note how long the 1/9/11 work schedule is; its Start Time is still set in accordance to the Scheduled Start Time and needs to be adjusted. Edit this to the employee's actual start time as described in the previous section. The final resultant work schedule for 1/9/2011 is shown below.
Fig.36 Final Modified Worked Schedule
There are cases where a single work schedule may need to be split into two separate work schedules. This may occur if an employee leaves for several hours in the middle of his shift or if he worked a split shift on a single day, but his Schedules weren't configured accordingly ahead of time. ProTrack Warehouse supports the configuration of two Schedules on a single calendar day, but if this isn't configured before the employee works it will be necessary to go back and correct the Work Schedules. Alternately, if an employee did not have a Schedule configured for a particular day of the week and actually worked on that day, his work schedule may have spanned 2 days and would need to be split.
In the example below, this associate was assigned to a typical day-shift schedule (6 AM – 6 PM), but went home for a few hours in the middle of the day. He then returned at 12:30 PM.
Fig.37 Single Work Schedule Needing to be Split Due to Time Off-Clock
To correct this issue, click on the blue bar to edit the Schedule Times. In the popup window, on the right side, enter the time that he clocked out and select the option, "Split Work Schedule and Transfer Assignments". This action will effectively cut the work schedule at the specified End Time; all assignments ending before this time will remain on the current schedule and all assignments after will be transferred to a new work schedule. The Start and End Times of the newly-created work schedule will be determined using the assignments transferred to it.
Fig.38 Split a Work Schedule by Editing Its End Time
Upon clicking the Save button, the Daily Inquiry refreshes back to the same work schedule, which has now been shortened.
Fig.39 Resultant Daily Inquiry - First Work Schedule
To bring up the newly-created work schedule, click the Search button and search for this employee. You will now see two links for this employee for this day, indicating that there are two work schedules on that day. Click on the second link to bring up the second work schedule.
Fig.40 Daily Inquiry Search - Multple Work Schedules for a Single Day
Bringing up the second work schedule for this employee reveals the newly-created work schedule.