Documentation for ProTrackWarehouse 2017.1.

Time Attendance Status in ProTrack Warehouse enables the user to view and correct issues with time and attendance punches.

To access the Time Attendance Status screen:

  1. Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select Time Attendance Status under the Monitor menu. The Time Attendance Status screen appears.

    Fig.1 Time Attendance Status



Searching Time Attendance Status

To search for a particular time & attendance status:

  1. Select the 'Search' link and a popup window appears.

    Fig.2 Time Attendance Status - Search

    Fig.3 Time Attendance Status - Search


  2. Click  to select a specific date range to view the required data elements.
  3. Can specify a Facility using the drop down arrow.
  4. Must specify the status of the TA punches to do the search for using the drop down arrow.
  5. Click  and the records for the selected criteria are listed in the 'Detail Report' section.

    Fig.4 Time Attendance Status - Search Results



Reprocessing Time Attendance

To reprocess a particular time & attendance:

  1. Search and list the swipe date you want to reprocess in the 'Detail Report' section.
  2. Click on a specific Swipe Date link. The details of the Swipe Date appear in the corresponding fields in the 'Detailed Summary Report' section.

    Fig.5 Time Attendance Status - View Details


  3. Click on the Work Schedule ID link and a popup window appears.

    Fig.6 Time Attendance Status - Time Attendance Details


  4. Make any necessary changes based on the error message of the swipe.
  5. Select the check box next to the time & attendance that will be reprocessed.
  6. Click  to reprocess the time & attendance swipe.
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