Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 2012 Q2.

The Master reports screen contains reports on various master configuration data such as Standard Configuration, Customers, and Employees.

To access the Master reports screen:

  1. Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select Master reports under the Reports menu. The Master reports screen appears.

    Fig.1 Master Reports


Master Reports

Report Name


Activity Master Report

Lists all configured activities grouped by Tasking Group, Activity Group, and Activity Type.


Lists all customer details.


Lists all configured employees.

  • You can filter by a specific facility by clicking search for the facility name.

Missing Customers

Lists all customer records that appear in assignments but are not configured in the system.

  • You can add missing customers through the Maintenance > Customers screen.

Standard Configuration

Lists the full configuration of all standards and their associated selectors and determinants.

Table 11. List of Master Reports

Select which report you would like to see from the drop down menu list and click .

Fig.2 Master Report - Selection

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