Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 2012 Q2.

The Dashboard in ProTrack Warehouse provides the user the ability to see information at any level with full drill down capability from corporate, region, to facility levels. Each level displays Total Performance, Performance, and Utilization that can be updated every 15 minutes to provide real-time information. 


  • Total Performance and Utilization will be displayed in 100% baseline.
  • Performance will be displayed in 0% baseline.


Fig.1 Corporate Overview Dashboard


Facility Overview

The facility level will display discrete information about the specific facility that was selected.

Delays & IndirectsPie chart representing activities performed throughout the day (hover the mouse over the pie section to determine the activity and duration).
Capacity AnalysisGraph that displays the available standard time and the available employee time at each hour.
Performance vs UtilizationGraph that displays the facility's performance and utilization throughout the day.
MetricsLine graphs that display Outbound, Inbound, and Total lines for the day.
Observation AnalysisLists any Pending, Ignored, In-Progress, or Past Due observations by supervisor (requires Active Performance Management).
Performance DistributionBar graph displaying employees performance for the day.

Table 1. Graph Descriptions

Fig.2 Facility Overview Dashboard

  • No labels