Documentation for ProTrackWarehouse 2019.1.

Create Your First Widget: Total Performance over Time

If you are on a new dashboard, you can create your first widget by clicking .

  • If you are on a previously created dashboard which already contains widgets, you can click , and then .

The screen will suggest several fields that are often used in Analytics.  However, you can select any field from which you need to generate information.

You can also use the search bar at the top to find a specific field you may be looking for.

For this example, we will be creating a Performance Trend over Time widget.  The first piece of data you will need is your Performance.  Type "Perf" into the search field, and you will see several options for this.  For this exercise, we will be selecting "Total Perf%".

  • Note: You can hover your mouse over any formula in this list to display the exact formula used to calculate this data.

Selecting Total Perf% will update your widget to show a single number that is Total Performance for all time. 

This may be a useful widget type for some information, but is less useful for a metric like Total Perf% that is likely to change, especially as measures are taken to improve it.  For this to be more useful, we would like to track performance over time.

For this we will need a second piece of data to compare this to – the Date.  Click "Add More Data..." and add "Date" as a second dimension of Data to view.  This should be available in the Wizard under the "You Might Be interested In..." or can be searched for in the pop-up.

Clicking to add the Date gives this widget a second dimension, and automatically converts it into a Line Chart.

By default, this widget is showing data by years.  It may be more useful to breakdown performance by Quarter (or Month, or Week, depending on the dashboard being created).  To change this dimension, click on the 3 dots next to "Years in Date", navigate to Group By (Years), and select how you would like this data to be grouped.

From the left menu, the type of graph can be selected.  This is currently defaulted to Line, but can be changed to any type of graph.  Select the type of graph from the left, add a Title, and once it looks correct, click "Create".  Your new widget will appear on the dashboard.

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