Documentation for ProTrack Warehouse 2015.1.

The Workbench is the "home" page for a supervisor to view all of the information that is specific to their employees and activities they are responsible for.

The Workbench provides "widgets" that can be customized quickly thus providing exactly what a supervisor needs at their fingertips.


  • Total Performance and Utilization will be displayed in 100% baseline.
  • Performance will be displayed in 0% baseline.
  • Data represented is defaulted to today's date.
  • Each graph is referred to as a widget.

Prior to accessing the Workbench there are two configurations available in the System screen under Configuration which control the behavior of the workbench globally. 

    • LPG_EDITABLE_DATE: Set to Y to allow users to change the date on the workbench from today's date. Set to N to lock the workbench in to showing today's date only. 
    • LPG_REFRESH_SEC: The number of seconds between automatic refreshes of the workbench. 

Accessing Workbench

  1. Log into ProTrack Warehouse.
  2. Select Workbench from the Operations drop down menu.






















WidgetWidget Description and Functionality
Supervisor InfoView the supervisor's Image and Details
DelaysView the number of outstanding delays for the past 30 days. Link to the delay approvals widget if available.
ObservationsView the number of outstanding observations for the past 30 days. Link to the observation list widget if available.
IncentiveView the number of outstanding incentive approvals for the past 30 days. Link to the Incentive Approvals widget if available.
DisciplineView the number of outstanding discipline approvals for the past 30 days. Link to the Discipline Approvals widget if available.
Open ItemsView the number of open items affecting assignments for the past 30 days. Link to the open items list widget if available.
WMS ImportView the number of outstanding imports for the past 30 days. Link to the WMS Import Data monitor screen
My Team AnalyticsView the performance metrics for the supervisor's team for the day.
My Activities AnalyticsView the performance metrics for the supervisor's activities during the supervisor's scheduled shift.
Team PerformanceSee performance for a supervisor's team for today or the past 7 days.
Weekly PerformanceView the performance for activities associated with the supervisor over the past 7 days.
Weekly UtilizationView the utilization for employees associated with the supervisor over the past 7 days.
Cost AnalysisView cost metrics for activities associated with the supervisor during the supervisor's scheduled shift. Pay rates must be configured in employee profiles.
VolumetricsView metrics for activities associated with the supervisor during the supervisor's scheduled shift.
Observation ListQuickly view outstanding observations for the past 30 days. Link to the observation module for a selected employee.
Incentive ApprovalsQuickly view and approve or disapprove Incentives for the past 30 days
Discipline ApprovalsQuickly view and approve or disapprove Disciplines for the past 30 days
Delay ApprovalsQuickly view and approve or disapprove delays for the past 30 days
Open Items ListView the open items affecting assignments for the past 30 days and quickly address them.
RetentionView retention on a weekly or yearly basis for the supervisor team.

Searching for a Workbench

Workbenches for past days can be loaded and depending on the user's Security Role, Workbenches for multiple Supervisors can be loaded as well.

To search for a workbench:


  1. Depending on Security Role, Facility drop down will be available. Choose Facility.

  2. Depending on Security Role, Supervisor drop down will be available. Choose Supervisor.

  3. Choose Date.

  4. Click Refresh button 
  5. Refresh Date will update to keep you informed of when the last time the Workbench was refreshed.

Adding Widgets to Workbench

  1. Click the Add button.

  2. A popup window will appear to select new widget.

  3. Choose Widget by clicking
  4. When you have finished adding the necessary widgets, close the pop up window.
  5. The new widget(s) will appear at the bottom of the Workbench.

Modifying Existing Widgets

  1. Each widget can be moved by clicking on the header and dragging to a new spot in the Workbench.

  2. Each widget can be expanded or reduced by hovering over the arrow and increasing/decreasing window.

  3. Each widget can be deleted by clicking the 'X'.

  4. Most widgets link to either a more detailed widget or screen in ProTrack. These will be described on the widgets individual pages.


  • No labels