Documentation for ProTrackWarehouse 2017.1.


Minor enhancements and fixes.


Labor Plan Printing Capability

  • The labor plan grid now supports better filtering, column selection, and sizing.

  • The grid can be exported to Excel or to a PDF for printing.

Other Updates/Fixes

  • Updated the look and feel of the login screen.
  • Fixed an issue with breaks and lunches that are edited via the user interface where the updates were being replaced by information supplied by time and attendance.
  • Limited the kiosk activity group filtering of direct and indirect activities on the employee screen to one type or the other.
  • Fixed the on change determinant type to prevent it from matching on the first task line when there is more than one determinant condition.
  • Fixed the daily inquiry so that when time on standard matches standard time earned, the baseline performance and adjusted performance will display 0% rather than N/A.
  • No labels