Documentation for ProTrackWarehouse 2018.1.
The Shift screen helps you group schedules for reporting and labor balancing. This screen will allow you to add, search, view, and delete shifts in ProTrack Warehouse.
To access the Maintain Shifts screen:
Log in to ProTrack Warehouse.
Select Shifts under the Employees menu.The Maintain Shifts screen appears.
Fig.1 Maintain ShiftsMaintain Shifts Field Description
Shift Name
As it will appear on reports.
The facility this shift is related to.
Shift Description
Detailed description relating to the shift.
Shift Start Time Key in a start time for the shift. Shift End Time Key in an end time for the shift. Table 1. Maintain Shifts Descriptions
Adding New Shifts
To add a new shift:
- Type the Shift Name.
- Select the facility name from the drop down list.
Type any Shift Descriptions in the text area.
Type or click
to select a shift start time.Type or click
to select a shift end time.
Fig.2 Maintain Shifts - Add New Shift- Click to save the Shift.
Searching Shifts
To search for particular shifts:
ype a shift name or select a facility from the drop down list.
in the Maintain Shifts screen and results will display below.Tip
- Type the first character of a shift to list all the shifts starting with that particular character. For example, to search the shifts starting with the character 'M', enter 'M' in the Shift Name field to list shifts such as 'Morning Shift', 'MidShift' and so on.
- If no search criteria are specified all the activities will be listed in the 'Shift Search Results' section.
Viewing and Editing Shifts
To view and edit the shift:
- Search and list the Shifts you want to view and edit in the 'Shift Search Results' section by providing a search criteria.
Click shift name link from the 'Shift Search Results' section to edit a particular shift. The details of the selected shift appear in the corresponding fields in the Maintain Shifts screen.
Fig.3 Maintain Shifts - View ShiftChange the required fields.
- The field Shift Description, Start Shift Time, and End Shift Time are editable.
to save the changes.Info
- If you have made the changes in the fields and do not want to save the details, do not click Save and reload the shift.
- If you want to add a shift, click Add to clear the fields and to bring the screen to add mode.